Managing Stress

  • 5 Courses | 1h 43m 1s
  • 12 Books | 23h 3m
  • 10 Audiobooks | 46h 25m 33s
Rating 5.0 of 1 users Rating 5.0 of 1 users (1)
Everyone has to deal with stress in their busy personal and work lives. Learn how to manage your stress so you can optimize your performance. Discover the triggers of stress and how stress can affect you physically, mentally, and emotionally. Explore mechanisms for handling pressure and stress in the workplace in order to optimize your performance.


Thriving with High-pressure Work

  • 1m 42s
  • 3m 32s


Thriving with High-pressure Work
The stress that comes with work pressures can be overwhelming. But while you can't control the external events that lead to pressure, you can be proactive at recognizing stress and pressure, and consciously choose how you react. This allows you to use pressure to sharpen your focus and energize your work instead of being rolled by its force and dragged under its waves. In this course, you'll learn what situations are likely to trigger pressure, and how stress affects you physically and mentally. You'll also learn daily methods to make you more resilient to the challenges of pressure and stress, techniques for developing the mental flexibility to adjust to a high-pressure situation, and how to take action in the midst of one.
6 videos | 19m has Assessment available Badge
Managing and Supporting Employee Wellness
Work is important on many levels. A job your employees enjoy and find meaningful can also affect their physical and emotional health. On a strictly business level, organizations benefit when employees are happy and healthy at work because workplace wellness leads to increases in productivity and creativity, a greater focus on safety and retention, and decreases in nonattendance. In this course, you'll discover the impact of work on three major areas of work life and how facets of wellness programs can help support your employees in those areas. You'll come to recognize symptoms of stress and burnout in your people and discover methods you can use to help them balance the demands of work and private life. Additionally, you'll learn approaches to employee wellness that connect all the important areas of health.
6 videos | 21m has Assessment available Badge
Managing Pressure and Stress to Optimize Your Performance
People react to high pressure differently. Learning to cope with pressure and handling stress are very important, because you don't want pressure to have a negative impact on your performance. In this course, you'll learn about managing stress and pressure, situations that trigger pressure, and how pressure can become stress. You'll also look at how stress affects you emotionally and physically, and how to respond to it. And you'll also learn strategies for managing stress by ensuring you have the right attitude, taking control under pressure, and using performance management to cultivate a "success mentality." You can then optimize your own performance, and prepare to cope with stressed colleagues.
9 videos | 22m has Assessment available Badge Certification PMI PDU
Take a Deep Breath and Manage Your Stress
When you're constantly adding items to your never-ending to-do list, feeling overwhelmed at work and at home, and finding your health and relationships negatively impacted, you are likely experiencing stress. Stress is produced by your own feelings and reactions to certain external events, rather than by the events themselves. But while you may not always be able to control the external events causing your stress, by applying mindfulness techniques, you can control your reactions to them. This course explains the physiological, behavioral, and psychological signs and symptoms of stress and where it can come from. It outlines strategies for maintaining work/life balance and managing stress. It also covers ways to change your responses to stress and make them more positive and how to use relaxation techniques and adopting mindfulness to help you focus.
7 videos | 17m has Assessment available Badge Certification PMI PDU
Optimizing Your Workplace Well-being
Especially in times of disruption and change, your health and wellness - both physical and mental - can sometimes take a backburner to urgent and pressing needs. Prioritizing your wellness can be life-changing on a personal level, with the added benefits to employers of increased productivity, employee engagement, and retention. In this course, you'll learn to identify the elements of well-being at work and understand how common work and home factors can cause wellness to go out of balance. You'll also learn how to recognize signs of stress in yourself and in others, and what strategies help build resilience and promote wellness in all of life's dimensions: at work and at home; in mind, body, and human connections.
6 videos | 22m has Assessment available Badge


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Mindfulness at Work: How to Avoid Stress, Achieve More, and Enjoy Life!
Mindfulness at Work explains how you can employ some simple mindfulness techniques to make your work life much more relaxed, enjoyable, and meaningful. In this Summary, we discuss the salient points of the book based on our interpretation of its contents.
book Duration 10m book Authors By Stephen McKenzie


Winning Under Fire: Turn Stress into Success the U.S. Army Way
Winning Under Fire provides knowledge and recommendations from the U.S. Army for today's business leaders about how to emerge successful from conflict and competition. In this Summary, we discuss the salient points of the book based on our interpretation of its contents.
book Duration 11m book Authors By Dale Collie


Stress Less. Achieve More: Simple Ways to Turn Pressure into a Positive Force in Your Life
Stress Less. Achieve More. will show you how to manage stressful situations by approaching them as constructive opportunities. In this Summary, we discuss the salient points of the book based on our interpretation of its contents.
book Duration 8m book Authors By Aimee Bernstein


Managing Stress Triggers
Samantha Stone of Skillsoft discusses steps we can take to manage our responses to stress triggers.
book Duration 3m book Authors By Samantha Stone


Stress in the Spotlight: Managing and Coping with Stress in the Workplace
Providing practical insight about how to identify, tackle and overcome any kind of stress, this inspiring book illustrates how people can overcome obstacles, deal with difficult people, get self-motivated, face challenges, establish goals, avoid work taking over their private life, and embrace changes at work.
book Duration 3h 43m book Authors By Brian Claridge, Cary L. Cooper


How to Manage Stress on Your Team
Employees turn to their superiors for assurance in times of uncertainty and how you can respond is pivotal. Here are some ways you can help.
book Duration 1m book Authors By Skillsoft


Stress Less. Achieve More: Simple Ways to Turn Pressure into a Positive Force in Your Life
Delivering relief for the overwhelmed, this book uncovers a total mental/physical/emotional formula to stop reacting defensively, resolve conflicts harmoniously, energize fatigued teammates, relax in difficult situations, and more.
book Duration 3h 34m book Authors By Aimee Bernstein


Time & Stress Management for Rookies
Providing practical ideas and easy-to-follow methods that you can put into practice immediately, this book will equip you with the skills for keeping your head which will help you with time management, improve your personal effectiveness, and increase your confidence.
book Duration 1h 48m book Authors By Frances Kay


Decide: Work Smarter, Reduce Your Stress, and Lead by Example
Presenting a no-nonsense and practical approach for managing - or even leading - at your highest level of performance, this book shows you how to cut through the complexities and excuses to start realizing real gains simply by changing one thing: the way you make decisions.
book Duration 2h 59m book Authors By Steve McClatchy


Mindfulness at Work: How to Avoid Stress, Achieve More, and Enjoy Life!
Authored by an expert with years of both clinical and personal experience, this book reveals how the practice of mindfulness--the ability to focus our attention on what is, rather than be distracted by what isn't--can be a powerful antidote to the distractions and stresses of our modern lives, especially our working lives.
book Duration 3h 13m book Authors By Stephen McKenzie


Smarter, Sharper Thinking: Reduce Stress, Banish Fatigue and Find Focus
Smarter Sharper Thinking reveals how you can expand your brain's capability to think well under stress, focus and get more out of your day, be more creative and innovative, and prepared for future challenges.
book Duration 3h 42m book Authors By Jenny Brockis


Crazy Busy: Keeping Sane in in a Stressful World
In Crazy Busy acclaimed psychologist Thijs Launspach examines why we often work ourselves to the bone and what we can do to prevent this.
book Duration 3h 31m book Authors By Thijs Launspach



Work without Stress: Building a Resilient Mindset for Lasting Success
In Work Without Stress, authors Derek Roger and Nick Petrie teach you how to build resilience, cope with challenges, and thrive under adversity. In this Summary, we discuss the salient points of the book based on our interpretation of its contents.
audiobook Duration 21m 34s audiobook Authors By Derek Roger, Nick Petrie


Hijacked by Your Brain: How to Free Yourself When Stress Takes Over
In Hijacked by Your Brain, Julian Ford and Jon Wortmann team up to offer compelling evidence on how the human brain attempts to handle stressful situations (with mixed results), why, and what we can do about it. In this Review we discuss the salient points of the book based on our interpretation of its contents.
audiobook Duration 12m 53s audiobook Authors By Jon Wortmann, Julian Ford


Winning Under Fire: Turn Stress into Success the U.S. Army Way
Winning Under Fire provides knowledge and recommendations from the U.S. Army for today's business leaders about how to emerge successful from conflict and competition. In this Summary, we discuss the salient points of the book based on our interpretation of its contents.
audiobook Duration 23m 54s audiobook Authors By Dale Collie


Unwind!: 7 Principles for a Stress-Free Life
This audio edition shows you how to take charge of your life and make better choices that will prevent stress in the first place. Read by the author.
audiobook Duration 5h 4m 53s audiobook Authors By Michael Olpin, Sam Bracken


When the Pressure's On: The Secret to Winning When You Can't Afford to Lose
Packed with guidelines, examples, exercises, assessments, and the latest advances in biofeedback and neuroscience, this audio edition reveals five core mental skills that enable professionals to excel while under duress.
audiobook Duration 4h 17m 38s audiobook Authors By Louis S. Csoka


Success Under Stress: Powerful Tools for Staying Calm, Confident, and Productive When the Pressure's On
This audio edition will help you gain control, exude calmness and confidence amidst everyday chaos, and achieve the success you richly deserve.
audiobook Duration 6h 57m 46s audiobook Authors By Sharon Melnick


Clutch: Why Some People Excel Under Pressure and Others Don't
This audio edition examines how some individuals can perform under high stress conditions as if they were everyday situations. How do they do it?
audiobook Duration 9h 9m 28s audiobook Authors By Paul Sullivan


Stress Less. Achieve More: Simple Ways to Turn Pressure into a Positive Force in Your Life
This audio edition delivers relief for the overwhelmed with tips, techniques, and exercises to turn stress into into your ally--and thrive under even the most demanding circumstances.
audiobook Duration 7h 1m 5s audiobook Authors By Aimee Bernstein


Under Pressure: Managing Stress and Engagement on the Job
This audio edition is for those who are experiencing stress on the job due to increased demands at work and at home, as well as employers who wish to understand those who report to them and who are looking for new ways to engage employees.
audiobook Duration 1h 55m 45s audiobook Authors By Knowledge@Wharton


Performing Under Pressure: The Science of Doing Your Best When It Matters Most
This audio edition offers 22 specific strategies each of us can use to reduce pressure in our personal and professional lives and allow us to better excel in whatever we do.
audiobook Duration 11h 37s audiobook Authors By Hendrie Weisinger, J. P. Pawliw-Fry


Stress Management & Wellness
Everyone has to deal with stress in their busy personal and work lives. Learn how to manage your work-life balance and stress so you can optimize your performance. Discover the triggers of stress and how stress can affect you physically, mentally, and emotionally. Explore mechanisms for handling pressure and stress in the workplace in order to optimize your performance and wellness. This benchmark evaluates your understanding of this topic. Being aware of potential knowledge gaps allows you to better understand your current competency and areas for improvement, so you can find suitable content and curate your own learning path. The courses recommended at the end of this benchmark can help you fill potential gaps in your knowledge.
8m    |   8 questions