Emotional Intelligence

  • 6 Courses | 3h 10m 17s
  • 7 Books | 18h 22m
  • 8 Audiobooks | 36h 27m 1s
Rating 4.5 of 2 users Rating 4.5 of 2 users (2)
Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage your own emotions. Discover strategies for becoming more self-aware. Good leaders are self-aware, and here you'll learn how to lead with a sense of purpose, authenticity, openness, and trust.


Leadercamp on-demand: How Emotionally Intelligent Am I?
Emotional Intelligence has gained quite a bit of attention in the past few years as being one of the most important skills one can have to achieve success in organizations, but how will you know how emotionally intelligent you are? Emotional Intelligence focuses on both your personal competence, and your competence in social situations. This Leadercamp will focus on who you are and how you come across to others and also how you can build your emotional intelligence. This Leadercamp will explore what others will observe in your behaviors - especially when you are under pressure or in conflict. Being self-aware is the first step in building your emotional intelligence and elevating your value in organizations and in your personal life.
1 video | 56m available Badge Certification PMI PDU
Building Up Your Emotional Intelligence
By its very nature, the workplace sometimes involves conflict and stress. Even mundane day-to-day work activities require negotiation and compromise. And these can often lead to negative emotional reactions or outbursts. But using emotional intelligence (EI) can help you notice, identify, understand, and manage your own feelings and the emotions of others. EI is a positive force that can have significant impact on you, your team, and your organization. In this course, you'll learn what EI is and how it drives personal excellence in the workplace. You will learn some best practices and strategies to become aware of your emotions and use that awareness to manage your behavior. You will also learn how to interpret other people's emotions and use that knowledge to enhance workplace relationships.
6 videos | 21m has Assessment available Badge Certification PMI PDU
The Essentials for Anger Management
Anger is a normal - and even healthy - emotion, rooted in the instinct for self-preservation. However, if not managed properly, our feelings and emotions can be very destructive. It's important to find healthy ways of owning and expressing your anger. This requires emotional intelligence (EI) and a good emotional quotient (EQ), or emotional intelligence quotient (EIQ). In this course, you'll explore how to manage your anger and your anger response. You'll also explore the nature of anger, including its root causes and ways to use it positively in the workplace. And you'll learn how develop empathy for colleagues who may be causing your anger.
7 videos | 20m has Assessment available Badge Certification PMI PDU
Navigating Other People's Emotions
Organizational and interpersonal dynamics, along with high pressure situations, can sometimes cause others to behave unprofessionally. The way you react to their behavior can have a lasting effect on your future relationships. But, by building emotional intelligence, or emotional IQ, you can ensure that you'll be able to understand and acknowledge other people's emotions, and maintain strong relationships with them. In this course, you'll learn how to recognize emotional awareness in, actively listen to, and empathize with others by developing emotional intelligence, also known as EQ. You'll also discover how to apply organizational awareness and empathy to enhance your workplace relationships.
6 videos | 16m has Assessment available Badge Certification PMI PDU
Navigating the Workplace with Emotional Intelligence
Any organization, regardless of its size, industry or location, is made up of people - people who interact on a daily basis, and not always without incident. Developing emotional intelligence within the organization is a key factor in ensuring that these relationships run smoothly. This is especially true of leaders, who must provide an example of how to behave in group settings. In this course, you'll learn how building emotional intelligence, or EQ, can improve team or group interactions. You'll also explore the role of emotional IQ in workplace activities, conflict and stress management, as well as employee influence and engagement.
6 videos | 16m has Assessment available Badge Certification PMI PDU
Leadercamp on-demand: Managing Emotions in Teams
While organizations increasingly recognize that employee wellbeing and mental health are important, less awareness is given to how employees can effectively respond to the emotions of their colleagues on a day-to-day basis. Navigating the emotions of others can help leaders mitigate crises, engage in effective change management, manage strategic debates, and build more thriving and high-performing organizations. In this Leadercamp, Dr. Lindy Greer, an award-winning professor at Michigan Ross, will help you gain a comprehensive understanding of the impact emotions can have on your organization. You'll learn how to understand the role of emotions in the workplace, manage your emotions, and develop strategies for successfully navigating the emotions of those around you to create thriving and high-performing teams and organizations.
1 video | 58m has Assessment available Badge


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Emotional Intelligence for Rookies
Emotional Intelligence for Rookies explains how enhanced awareness of our emotions, feelings, and moods can positively influence our ability to control our actions and ensure positive outcomes in attaining our goals and building relationships. In this Summary, we discuss the salient points of the book based on our interpretation of its contents.
book Duration 10m book Authors By Ali Dawson, Andrea Bacon


EGO vs. EQ: How Top Leaders Beat 8 Ego Traps With Emotional Intelligence
Drawing on real-life anecdotes from the author's 20-years of coaching and consulting, this book teaches you how to identify the most common reasons for leadership ineffectiveness, including the cascading consequences they create, and learn tools to prevent them.
book Duration 3h 21m book Authors By Jennifer Shirkani


Emotional Intelligence for Rookies
Explaining how to up your emotional intelligence quotient and to use it to get positive outcomes at work, this book shows you how to get to know and control your own emotions, to become self-directed, resilient and success-oriented.
book Duration 2h 16m book Authors By Ali Dawson, Andrea Bacon


Emote: Using Emotions to Make Your Message Memorable
Presenting an emotion-based approach that will change the way you think about verbal communications, this book will help you gain the confidence you need to stand in the spotlight and "wow" clients or executives, create connections, and get your message across to anyone.
book Duration 3h 45m book Authors By Vikas Gopal Jhingran


What Makes a Leader: Why Emotional Intelligence Matters
Presenting Daniel Goleman's ground-breaking, highly sought articles from the Harvard Business Review and other business journals in one volume, this book reflects the evolution of his latest thinking about emotional intelligence, tracking the latest neuroscientific research on the dynamics of relationships, and the latest data on the impact emotional intelligence has on an organization's bottom-line.
book Duration 2h 13m book Authors By Daniel Goleman


The Emotional Intelligence Activity Kit: 50 Easy and Effective Exercises for Building EQ
From setup instructions to debriefing questions, this book offers simple exercises that are quick to deploy and target key areas that benefit most from EQ training, including leadership, project management, customer service, teamwork, sales, and more.
book Duration 4h 29m book Authors By Adele B. Lynn, Janele R. Lynn


Emotional Intelligence: Managing Emotions to Make a Positive Impact on Your Life and Career
By improving your ability to understand and manage emotions, this book will show you how to better handle situations, events and other people that in the past you've found difficult or stressful.
book Duration 2h 8m book Authors By Gill Hasson



Emotional Intelligence for Rookies
Emotional Intelligence for Rookies explains how enhanced awareness of our emotions, feelings, and moods can positively influence our ability to control our actions and ensure positive outcomes in attaining our goals and building relationships. In this Summary, we discuss the salient points of the book based on our interpretation of its contents.
audiobook Duration 21m 3s audiobook Authors By Ali Dawson, Andrea Bacon


Emotional Intelligence Training
In Emotional Intelligence Training, author Karl Mulle shows how you can learn new ways to help people understand themselves, interact well, and enhance the overall effectiveness of their companies. In this Summary, we discuss the salient points of the book based on our interpretation of its contents.
audiobook Duration 19m 53s audiobook Authors By Karl Mulle


The Emotional Intelligence Activity Kit: 50 Easy and Effective Exercises for Building EQ
This audio edition offers simple exercises that are quick to deploy and target key areas that benefit most from EQ training, including leadership, project management, customer service, teamwork, sales, and more.
audiobook Duration 7h 5m 14s audiobook Authors By Adele B. Lynn, Janele R. Lynn


Feeling Smart: Why Our Emotions Are More Rational Than We Think
This audio edition brings together game theory, evolution, and behavioral science to produce a surprising and very persuasive defense of how we think, even when we don't.
audiobook Duration 9h 11m 43s audiobook Authors By Eyal Winter


Triggers: Creating Behavior That Lasts--Becoming the Person You Want to Be
This audio edition offers a personal playbook on how to achieve change in our lives, make it stick, and become the person we want to be. Read by the author.
audiobook Duration 6h 36m 31s audiobook Authors By Mark Reiter, Marshall Goldsmith


Emotional Intelligence 2.0
This audio edition contains proven strategies from a decade-long effort to accurately measure and increase emotional intelligence using the four core EQ skills to exceed your goals and achieve your fullest potential. Visit www.talentsmart.com/test to assess your own EQ.
audiobook Duration 4h 20m 14s audiobook Authors By Jean Greaves, Travis Bradberry


Emote: Using Emotions to Make Your Message Memorable
This audio edition will help you gain the confidence you need to stand in the spotlight and "wow" clients or executives, create connections, and get your message across to anyone.
audiobook Duration 6h 33m 2s audiobook Authors By Vikas Gopal Jhingran


Authentic Leadership: HBR Emotional Intelligence Series
This book explains the role of authenticity in emotionally intelligent leadership. You'll learn how to discover your authentic self, when emotional responses are appropriate, how conforming to specific standards can hurt you, and when you need to feel like a fake.
audiobook Duration 1h 59m 21s audiobook Authors By Harvard Business Review


Emotional Intelligence & Tact
Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage your own emotions. Discover strategies for becoming more self-aware. Good leaders are self-aware, and here you'll learn how to lead with a sense of purpose, authenticity, openness, trust, and tact. This benchmark evaluates your understanding of this topic. Being aware of potential knowledge gaps allows you to better understand your current competency and areas for improvement, so you can find suitable content and curate your own learning path. The courses recommended at the end of this benchmark can help you fill potential gaps in your knowledge.
7m    |   7 questions