Aspire Journeys


Access, assign, and customize expertly curated role- and skill-based learning paths. Along the way, learners can test their progress with assessments and hands-on practice labs.


Codecademy's course catalog is now available through Skillsoft Percipio. Feature Codecademy courses in customized Aspire Journeys designed to deliver on your business objectives.


  • Provide a deep skilling experience, organized into a linear path with a clear starting point.
  • Introduce material that sates curiosity by filling in knowledge gaps.
  • Reinforce, build on, and practice through live learning experiences and dialogue with mentors.


Learners using Aspire Journeys are twice as likely to return to the platform1.

1Skillsoft Percipio Usage Analysis (2020)

Leadership Development Aspire Journeys

Develop the future-ready leadership skills and mindset needed for career success.

Technology & Developer Aspire Journeys

Continually adapting with technology using role-based learning paths for the tech professional.


Deliver Codecademy alongside or within Skillsoft Aspire Journeys. Codecademy experiences range from concise pathways — designed to help learners master job-ready skills in a matter of months — to comprehensive paths, developing competency required for entry-level programming careers.

LEADERSHIP | The journey starts here.

Aspire Logo Circles

Emotionally Intelligent Leader

Learn how to identify and regulate emotions to lead others.

Team Leader

Get the most out of your team for optimal business results.

Visionary Leader

Learn to create a vision for your team.

Agile Leader

Learn how to meet leadership challenges with a focused and flexible mindset.

Next Journey

Develop the future-ready leadership skills and mindset needed for career success.

Future-Ready Leaders

Develop the modern leadership skills and competencies needed to thrive professionally in today’s fast-changing, agile business environment through scenario-based video courses scientifically shown to improve engagement and recall.

Clear Path to Leadership

Streamlined journeys show your people where to begin developing the modern leadership skills and mindsets needed to be successful, no matter where they are in their career, helping them get where they want to go more efficiently.

On-the-Job Application

Tools help your people to use learned concepts in their current work environment so they can make an immediate positive impact and impression.

Expert Insights

Learners stay ahead of the curve via insights from world-class, globally diverse thought-leaders, faculty from top-ranked business schools (MIT Sloan, Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, etc.), experts ranked by Thinkers50, as well as MIT Sloan Management Review articles.

TECHNOLOGY & DEVELOPER | The journey starts here.

Aspire Logo Circles

Data Analyst

Swimming in disparate, federated data sources.

Data Wrangler

Focus on quality in for quality out.

Data Ops

Focus on getting data throughout Ops.

Data Scientist

Focus on providing business insights & readying for more.

Next Journey

Continually adapting with technology using role-based learning paths for the tech professional.

Future-Ready Skills

Role-based training across key in-demand career paths from Data Scientists to AI Developers to CloudOps Architects to SecOps Engineers.

Clear Path to Mastery

From a Data Analyst working with Excel to a Data Scientist utilizing best practices with Python. Accelerate skill development by building on learners’ current knowledge to move from one role to the next.

Hands-On Practice

Learners prove their expertise in a safe, virtual environment with Practice Labs for every track. Your people are measured objectively on whether they can perform the job, allowing for true skills growth.

Road to Leadership

Extend learners’ impact beyond the tech department. Enable them to learn from world-leading experts on building business cases, collaborating cross-functionally, and gaining executive buy-in.