JavaScript Core Concepts: ECMAscript 2019 intermediate
  • 4 Courses | 3h 13m 17s
  • 3 Books | 24h 41m
  • 5 Courses | 1h 38m
  • 9 Books | 69h 52m
  • Includes Lab
  • 11 Courses | 12h 48m 4s
  • 8 Books | 64h 20m
  • 2 Courses | 55m 18s
  • 1 Book | 2h 44m
  • 2 Courses | 1h 37m 11s
  • 2 Courses | 2h 34m 12s
  • 3 Books | 11h 5m
  • 8 Courses | 9h 51m 43s
  • 7 Books | 33h 15m
  • Includes Lab
  • 11 Courses | 15h 39m 13s
  • 9 Books | 60h 42m
Rating 5.0 of 1 users Rating 5.0 of 1 users (1)
JavaScript is a lightweight browser-based scripting language, the core of client Web development. Explore JavaScript and its many uses.


Introduction to Popular Frameworks

  • 3m 56s
  • 4m 6s


JavaScript: Introduction

  • 1m 49s
  • 8m 35s


Application Creation

  • 1m 43s
  • 1m 34s



  • 2m 20s
  • 1m 38s


JSON Essentials

  • 6m 33s
  • 5m 8s


JavaScript Front-end Development: Fundamentals

  • 4m 39s
  • 4m 34s


JavaScript: Advanced Function Operations

  • 2m 4s
  • 4m 27s


Introduction to Popular Frameworks
Frameworks define an application's structure by providing guidelines regarding how code should be presented, providing flexibility and scalability. Examine some of the various frameworks used with JavaScript.
11 videos | 33m has Assessment available Badge
ReactJS & Grunt
Why write code that's already written? Libraries are toolkits used to simplify the development of JavaScript-based applications by offering prewritten JavaScript. Learn how ReactJS and Grunt are used with JavaScript.
9 videos | 32m has Assessment available Badge
Web Application Libraries
JavaScript can be scaled to work across browsers but may not be consistent from one browser to another. This is where libraries and frameworks come into play. Explore the basic concepts of using web application-related libraries.
14 videos | 1h 19m has Assessment available Badge
jQuery & TypeScript
Multiple projects started with similar build processes can be created, tested, and implemented in very little time, thus making libraries and tools an integral part of JavaScript. Learn how to work with the jQuery library and TypeScript.
9 videos | 47m has Assessment available Badge


JavaScript: Introduction
Explore basic Javascript, one of the most widely used programming languages in the domain of web development, including concepts involved in the programming language, the features which distinguish it from other languages, and its applications. Key concepts covered in this 10-video course include the role of Javascript within a larger web application involving HTML and CSS; learning how browsers render web pages as a structured document object model (DOM); and the high-level properties of the Javascript programming language. Begin by examining properties and features around arrays and functions in Javascript; learning what an object is in Javascript and how it is represented; and learning some of the quirks of the Javascript language, and what distinguishes it from most other high-level languages. Next, learn what closures are in Javascript and what is included within this construct; and learn how common attributes of a set of objects can be defined within a prototype for those objects.
10 videos | 59m has Assessment available Badge
JavaScript: Getting Started with JavaScript Programming
Learners can familiarize themselves with how to use Javascript in conjunction with HTML pages in this 10-video course. Explore different types of variable declarations in the language and ways in which Javascript web apps can relay info to and receive info from end-users. Key concepts covered in this course include learning how to create a simple Javascript app that writes a message to an HTML page; learning how Javascript can be used to communicate with end-users via the HTML page, alerts, and log messages; and learning how to link a HTML page with a separately defined Javascript source file. First, observe how to edit sections of a HTML page by using Javascript and initialize number and string variables; examine the changes in behavior of a Javascript app when Strict mode is enabled; and learn how to distinguish between the var, let, and const keywords when declaring variables. Finally, learn how to differentiate variables that are undefined from those whose values are null; and how to use the alert, prompt, and confirm functions to relay information to and receive input from end-users.
10 videos | 1h 14m has Assessment available Badge
JavaScript: Types, Operators, & Control Structures in JavaScript
Explore features of primitive data types in Javascript such as numbers, strings, and booleans. Examine the methods, operators, and control structures available to work with them in this 11-video course. Key concepts covered here include multiple ways to declare and manipulate numerical data in Javascript; learning how to initialize and manipulate Javascript strings using different techniques; and learning how to use in-built string operations to analyze and modify string types. Begin by learning how to create and manage date types in Javascript, which allows you to work with dates in various forms and initialize date variables and manipulate them. Then learn how to use constants, methods, and random number generators available in the Javascript Math library; learn to apply basic operators on numbers and strings; and observe how to perform logical tests by using if statements and conditional operators. Finally, learn how to convert data from one primitive type to another; and learn how to create while, do-while, and for loops in Javascript.
11 videos | 1h 12m has Assessment available Badge
JavaScript: Functions & Arrays in JavaScript
Learners will discover ways to define and use functions in Javascript, where functions are considered first-class members, in this 14-video course. Explore features of arrays in Javascript, as well as their role in functions. Key concepts covered here include the basic functions and how to invoke them in Javascript; recognizing how var, let, and const keywords affect accessibility of variables in Javascript functions; and how to distinguish between var and let keywords when it comes to scope of variables. Learn to define functions by using concise syntax in ES6 specifications for Javascript; learn to manage errors in an application, whether raised by Javascript or by your own logic using try, catch, and finally blocks; and learn how to create arrays and access and iterate over their elements. Next, learn to use rest parameter syntax to create functions; use the spread operator to expand the contents of arrays; and break down and access components of arrays with array destructuring. Finally, learn how to generate deep and shallow copies of arrays and add and remove array elements.
14 videos | 1h 44m has Assessment available Badge
JavaScript: Objects
Javascript is an object-oriented language, making objects a crucial topic for any Javascript course. In this 14-video course, learners explore object definitions to object methods and constructors while learning what a "class" is in Javascript. Key concepts covered here include how to create objects containing different types of data and functions and access their properties; and how to initialize empty objects and add/remove properties to/from them. Begin by learning the role of keyword "this" within the scope of Javascript objects; how to use the call method to link a Javascript object; and how to implement an object constructor and use it to instantiate new objects. Next, observe how to use assignment operators and Object.assign method to create new objects; how to use spread syntax and the JSON; and how to prevent changes from being made to an object by freezing it. Finally, learners see how to perform aggregate and filter operations on contents of an array with reduce and filter methods; and check the type of an object by using the instanceof operator.
14 videos | 1h 31m has Assessment available Badge
Web Fundamentals: Dynamic Web Pages with JavaScript
Scripting languages, such as JavaScript, are common in programming. Not only can they make coding less cumbersome, but they also add a level of dynamicity to applications. Anyone who wants to get their head around programming needs to know how and why to use JavaScript. Use this course to explore the origins of scripting in web pages and scripting's contribution to a more dynamic web environment. Find out how to use variables, functions, expressions, and arrays in JavaScript. More importantly, discover how JavaScript can react to events that happen on a web page and contribute to form validation and submission to a back-end database. Upon completion, you'll know to use JavaScript to make your web pages more dynamic and reactive to user interaction.
15 videos | 1h 22m has Assessment available Badge


JavaScript SPA: Getting Started
A JavaScript single page application uses a combination of libraries and frameworks to communicate with the server, consume and manage data, and display application view. Learn how to use various SPA templates in Visual Studio 2013.
7 videos | 1h 36m available Badge
Views & Routes
Increase your knowledge of JavaScript SPAs by learning about MVC 5 controllers, including configuring controller routes using C# and VB. In addition, explore adding MVC 5 and partial views with C# and VB.
10 videos | 51m available Badge
EntityFramework & ASP.NET
Explore common server and client NuGet packages that you can install when developing your SPA from scratch.
8 videos | 48m has Assessment available Badge
Durandal Modules & Lifecycle events
Increase your JavaScript SPA knowledge by learning about Durandal SPA, including views, RequireJS, system debugging, functions, activators, and view models.
13 videos | 1h 14m has Assessment available Badge
Adding Views and View Navigation in Durandal
Discover how to retrieve data for modules in the Durandal JavaScript framework, as well as how to set up and configure module routes using the Durandal shell router.
13 videos | 1h has Assessment available Badge
Connecting to Data
Learn how to connect to a SQL Server Compact 4.0 database, generate Entity Framework 6.0 models, install Breeze for a JavaScript SPA, and cache and share data.
6 videos | 51m has Assessment available Badge
JavaScript: Managing Data
Discover how to create Breeze queries, obtain and navigate object graphs with Breeze, initiate application data with Breeze, use Breeze metadata from the server, and create and use Breeze metadata on the client in a SPA.
6 videos | 52m has Assessment available Badge
Working with Rich Application Data
Discover how to use editable view bindings, track and cancel on-screen changes, save model data updates, work with dropdown lists in views, prompt for saving before leaving a view, and save and restore changes made offline in a SPA.
8 videos | 1h 7m available Badge
Retrieving, Querying, & Mapping Rich Application Data
Learn how to limit server data fetch frequency, as well as retrieve model data, force a remote data fetch, and query the local cache with Breeze. In addition, explore mapping partial data entities and projection queries in a JavaScript SPA.
9 videos | 1h 8m available Badge
Managing Application Data
Discover how to add, save, delete, and handle changes made to application data in a JavaScript SPA in Visual Studio 2013.
13 videos | 1h 21m available Badge
Working With Validation
Learn how to implement custom data validation rules on the client and server, use Breeze validation, gather Breeze entity errors, parse Breeze entity error messages on the client, and display validation errors in a JavaScript SPA.
7 videos | 1h 9m available Badge


Application Creation
Sencha Ext JS is a pure JavaScript application development framework for developing interactive applications for the web. Explore developing a simple app using the Model View Controller architecture and the features of Ext JS.
18 videos | 35m has Assessment available Badge
Learn how to create and use stores, work with models, convert hard-coded data to JSON, and use Ajax to update data on a server. In addition, explore working with containers, layouts, and components in the Sencha Ext JS framework
11 videos | 19m available Badge


Sencha Touch is an HTML5 mobile web application development framework for cross platform development. Learn how to develop a simple app in Sencha Touch, and deploy and test it through the Android SDK.
15 videos | 44m available Badge
Discover how to create a form, render a view, edit records, configure and use LocalStorage in Sencha Touch. In addition, learn how to download the Android SDK, enable Cordova support, create an emulator, and use ConfiGAP.
16 videos | 53m has Assessment available Badge


JSON Essentials
JSON is a data format used mainly on the Web to transmit information between client and server applications. Let's take a closer look at JSON, including its data types, and how to work with it.
15 videos | 1h 30m available Badge
APIs & Output
JSON is used by a number of large companies as their medium for communication on the Web. Examine some real-world APIs used by companies such as Yahoo!, Wikipedia, and Microsoft.
10 videos | 1h 3m available Badge


JavaScript Front-end Development: Fundamentals
Explore basic JavaScript concepts and Full Stack Development while you learn how to get started using JavaScript, and code formatting basics. During this course, you will start by exploring the fundamentals and synergy of FSD, Full Stack Development, and JavaScript Front End Development. Next, you will discover the JavaScript and ECMAScript relationship, and go on to review recent updates 2016, 2017, and ES.Next. As you progress, you will learn how to set up a JavaScript Development Environment, how to discover the features and functionality of the developer console, and how to learn best practices for JavaScript code spacing and formatting. Other topics include how to consider three methods for adding JavaScript to an HTML document, and how to explore the various ways to declare and use variables, use Arithmetic, Logic, and assignment Operators. Finally, conclude by learning how to work with bitwise, increment, and decrement operators.
11 videos | 59m has Assessment available Badge
JavaScript Front-end Development: Data, Decision Making, & Arrays
JavaScript has rich language features for representing data and controlling the flow of programs. During this course, you will start by considering the seven data types defined by ECMAScript. After that you will explore how Java Script's type conversion functions work with its Comparison and Logical Operators. Next, learn how to declare and use IF Statements. From there you will observe how to employ a conditional operator statement to replace an IF/ELSE statement, and how to write a SWITCH statement that contains CASE and BREAK statements. Other topics include how to use FOR loops, WHILE loops, and DO WHILE loops; how to declare an array; how to insert, retrieve, and modify values. Finally, learn how to loop through arrays, and work with multidimensional arrays.
12 videos | 1h 12m has Assessment available Badge
JavaScript Front-end Development: Functions & Objects
JavaScript has rich language features for representing and manipulating real world items as data. During this course, you will explore the basics of creating and working with functions, as well as creating and manipulating objects in JavaScript. Begin by learning how to use function arguments and pass functions as values. Next, you will study recursive and arrow functions, and learn scoping and how to differentiate between local and global variables. As you progress you will explore JavaScript's more common predefined functions, and create custom objects. Other topics include how to employ the FOR/IN loop, to retrieve object properties when their names are unknown; how to create custom objects with constructor functions; how to create object methods; how to employ the prototype keyword to add properties and methods to an object. Finally, you will learn how to use the PROTOTYPE keyword, to implement inheritance, and to extend classes.
13 videos | 1h 12m has Assessment available Badge
JavaScript Front-end Development: Errors, Events, Objects, & New Features
JavaScript has rich language features to help you deal with errors and events. This course explores the basics of events and error handling and also covers working with strings, numbers, dates and some new ECMAScript language features. You'll start by exploring techniques for JavaScript front end development. Next, you will discover events and event handlers, and perform error handling. Other topics of this course include the following: how to consider the fundamentals of strings; perform common string operations; create and use regular expressions; format numbers, and perform common operations, with the Number object; how to perform common calculations with the Math object; how to use the Date object; how to explore how to use the LET and CONST keywords, instead of VAR, when a variable is declared. As you progress, you will discover JavaScript's KeyedCollection, and use the Map and Set objects. Conclude by learning how to use hoisting, string padding, Async Functions, and Promises.
14 videos | 1h has Assessment available Badge
JavaScript Front-end Development: Development Basics
Discover JavaScript language features that are essential for creating dynamic front end content for full stack applications. During this couse, you will learn how to develop dynamic front-end content for full stack applications with Java Script. You'll start by considering the document object model that enables JavaScript web page development, next learn how to manipulate HTML content, and examine the role of DOM events in JS front-end development. From there, you will explore the main elements of the jQuery library, and how to use jQuery in front-end development. Study how jQuery effects and events work with various jQuery elements, such as selectors, attributes, traversing DOM, and filtering. Setup your environment for Bootstrap. Create a webpage via the Bootstrap framework. Finally, you will learn how to work with the Bootstrap Grid and explore Bootstrap's components and plugins.
12 videos | 1h 7m has Assessment available Badge
JavaScript Front-end Development: Frameworks
Discover how to work with JavaScript language frameworks, such as Angular, Vue.js, and React, for creating dynamic front end content for full stack applications. During this course, you will start by learning how Angular controllers can be used to interact with data. Next you will observe how to sort and filter data, as well as use Angular to validate user form input and format output. Other topics you will explore include how to understand Vue.js concepts and implement the Vue.js library; and how to use components and directives to make a view.js project structure. From there, you will study key concepts of Reactive programming for web page construction, and how to consider the React and JSX relationship. You'll learn how to embed expressions in JSX, and finally conclude the course by learning how to use the React virtual DOM to update page elements.
14 videos | 1h 25m has Assessment available Badge
Operators, Arrays, & Functions
Operators, arrays, and functions are the building blocks of JavaScript. Explore these features and get a deeper insight into how they can be used to create JavaScript apps.
16 videos | 1h 30m has Assessment available Badge
Objects & Event Handlers
Objects are the foundation for many built-in features of JavaScript, and are a powerful tool for building web apps. Discover how to create objects and how to use the built-in Number, String, Date, and Math objects.
13 videos | 55m has Assessment available Badge


JavaScript: Advanced Function Operations
Functions are first-class members of the Javascript language and this means that they can be used in ways which are not possible in other programming languages. In this 8-video course, learners explore the use of functions as arguments to other functions, as return values of functions, and also how functions can be linked with specific objects when invoked. Key concepts covered in this course include how to assign a function to a variable and pass a function as an argument to another function; how to define and invoke a function which returns a nested function; and learning what data types in Javascript are passed by value and what types are passed by reference. Learn how to create a function from a string using the new keyword; how to use function callbacks to ensure the sequential execution of functions; and how to use the call, apply, and bind methods in order to link a function call to a specific object.
8 videos | 42m has Assessment available Badge
JavaScript: Closures & Prototypes
This 14-video course covers closures-the bundle of a function along with its enclosing environment-and its implications on factors such as variable scopes and function references. Key concepts covered here include what makes up a closure in Javascript; learning how variables of the same name inside closures and in scopes outside them are accessed by functions; and distinguishing between variables of the same name inside functions, within closures, and ones defined in a global scope. Begin by observing how to implement counter functions with closures; how to integrate closures with buttons on web pages; and how closures can be created within objects and implications on your code. Next, learn how closures created within loops interact with variables defined within and outside the loop; how to implement getter and setter functions for Javascript objects using closures; and learn when to use prototypes for objects and how to define them. Finally, observe how to distinguish between object prototypes and classes; learn to use prototypes to implement inheritance; and implement multiple levels of inheritance with prototypes.
14 videos | 1h 28m has Assessment available Badge
JavaScript: Working with the DOM & Events
Explore different features available in Javascript to manipulate elements of a web page by using its Document Object Model (DOM) structure and how Javascript interacts with a browser by using the Browser Object Model (BOM). In this 13-video course, key concepts covered include how to use the document object to retrieve individual elements of a web page and access their values and properties; how to alter web page contents by modifying a DOM; and how to retrieve children of elements of a web page as an array. Begin by observing how to write a function to generate an animation; how to define event listeners and handlers for clicks on web page buttons; and how to create handlers for events of users by clicking on buttons. Next, learners observe how to use handlers for mouse events on web page elements; how to use the screen, window, and navigator objects of BOM to get information about the end-user's environment; and how to use the window object to interact with the end-user's browser.
13 videos | 1h 20m has Assessment available Badge
JavaScript: Form Validation & Async Programming
Form validation is a common use case for Javascript. Learners will explore basic steps involved in this process, including an overview of asynchronous programming and the use of promises to handle such code, in this 10-video course. Key concepts covered here include how to define simple registration forms with text, numerical input fields, radio buttons, check boxes and drop-down menu; how to access individual form elements and their data contents from Javascript; and learning when variables are destroyed by Javascript when a form submission navigates users to a different web page. Begin by observing a variety of form validations for different input fields; learning operations which run asynchronously in your Javascript application; and learning how to use promises to chain the execution of two functions where one depends on the results returned by the other. Next, learn a function making multiple asynchronous function calls by using async/await syntax. Finally, observe how to use the fetch function to asynchronously retrieve an image file and relate it to the XMLHttpRequest of AJAX.
10 videos | 1h 1m has Assessment available Badge
Design Patterns in JavaScript: Getting Started
Explore principles of good design and the three main categories of design patterns in this 11-video course. Examine anti-patterns, including their uses and what to avoid while writing code, then discover how to install NodeJS and NPM for MacOS and Windows. Key concepts covered in this course include how design patterns can be reusable solutions to common problems to the same situations that have come up repeatedly, and how programmers have developed design patterns in order to deal with these situations; principles of good design and architecture; and learning about anti-patterns as shortcuts that seasoned developers use to define or describe a bad solution to a problem that resulted in a poor outcome. You will learn about the uses of and programming of anti-patterns; learn Javascript-specific anti-patterns; and observe how to compare different types of design patterns, including creational patterns, structural design patterns, and behavioral design patterns. Finally, learn how to install required tools on a MacOS machine and how to install required tools on a Windows machine.
11 videos | 1h 16m has Assessment available Badge
Design Patterns in JavaScript: Constructor, Factory, & Abstract Factory Creational Patterns
Explore the Constructor, Factory, and Abstract Factory creational patterns in Javascript. In this 15-video course, learners examine how to use constructors to create and initialize objects and how to use Factory and Abstract Factory to create different kinds of objects. Key concepts covered in this course include features of the constructor pattern, which allows construction or creation of objects that meet a specific use case; how to use object literal notation to construct objects; and how to assign properties and functions to objects. You will learn how to use Object.create() and new Object() to create objects; learn how to create objects using functions and ES6 classes; and examine Factory and Abstract Factory patterns, two design patterns closely related to one another. Next, learn about helper functions for the Factory pattern; how to set up helper methods to implement the Factory pattern; and how to set up constructs and factories for the Abstract Factory pattern. Finally, learn about immediately-invoked functions for Factory pattern and how to implement Abstract Factory pattern.
15 videos | 1h 32m has Assessment available Badge
Design Patterns in JavaScript: Singleton, Prototype, & Builder Creational Patterns
In this 14-video course, learners will discover how to implement Singleton, Prototype, and Builder patterns in Javascript. Examine how Singleton pattern is used for single object instantiation, how Prototype pattern is used for cloning, and how Builder pattern is used to construct complex objects. Key concepts covered in this course include basic principles of the Singleton pattern, an extremely popular and widely used creational design pattern; helper functions for Singleton pattern and how to implement it; and features of the Prototype pattern, which is used when the type of objects you want to create is determined by a prototypical instance. Learn how to implement the Prototype pattern and to apply best practices for Prototype pattern; learn characteristics of the Builder pattern, which separates construction of an object from how the object is actually represented; and learn how to use Builder pattern to construct complex objects. Finally, observe how to implement Builder pattern in jQuery, and how to use different methods in iQuery Builder pattern.
14 videos | 1h 19m has Assessment available Badge
Design Patterns in JavaScript: Module, Revealing Module, Façade, Decorator, & Mixin Structural Patterns
Learners discover how to implement common structural design patterns in this 21-video course. Explore Module and Revealing Module patterns, then examine how to set up helpers for the Facade pattern, and how to use it for AJAX requests and delve into use of Decorator and Mixin patterns. Key concepts covered here include Module and Revealing Module patterns; how to implement private variables and private functions with Module pattern; and how to use Revealing Module pattern and apply best practices. Learners observe Facade pattern and how to set up helpers and implement it; learn how to make AJAX requests without a facade in jQuery; and explore how to use Facade pattern in jQuery for AJAX requests. Next, you will learn principles of Decorator pattern, set up helpers for it, and apply decorators for dynamic customizations. Then learn about React components and their use as decorators; learn Mixin pattern; and observe how to use Mixins in the Underscore.js library. Finally, learn how to simulate multiple inheritance with Mixins and implement Mixin pattern.
21 videos | 2h 23m has Assessment available Badge
Design Patterns in JavaScript: Flyweight, Adapter, Composite, & Proxy Structural Patterns
This 17-video course helps learners discover how to implement Flyweight, Adapter, Composite, and Proxy patterns to model structure between the components in a system. Examine inefficient memory usage, sharing memory, and centralized event handling with Flyweight pattern. Explore possible burdens on a client when the Adapter pattern is not used and how to provide a consistent interface by using adapters. Then learn to use Composite pattern in jQuery and Proxy pattern to cache data and specify context. Key concepts covered here include characteristics of Flyweight pattern; learning how to illustrate inefficient memory usage for granular objects; and how to wire up individual event handlers to HTML elements. You will observe how to centralize event handling with Flyweight pattern; how to articulate features of Adapter pattern; and how to illustrate burdens on clients when Adapter pattern is not used. Finally, learn about characteristics of Composite pattern; how to execute functions by using the right context; and how to apply Proxy pattern to provide the right context.
17 videos | 2h 1m has Assessment available Badge
Design Patterns in JavaScript: Observer & Iterator Behavioral Patterns
In this 12-video course, learners discover how to implement the Observer pattern for communication and the Iterator pattern to work with collections. Examine how to set up publishers and subscribers and the role of Observer pattern in event handling, then learn how to trigger custom events in jQuery, use Observer pattern with custom events, iterate over elements in a collection, and use Iterators in jQuery. Key concepts covered here include main characteristics of Observer pattern and how it is widely used in practice; how to implement publishers and subscribers; and how to publish messages with the publisher and receive them as subscribers. Learn about the role of Observer pattern in event handling; how to trigger custom events in jQuery; and observe how to design the Observer pattern with custom events in jQuery. Finally, learn about characteristics of Iterator pattern and how it allows access to elements within a collection in a sequential manner; how to implement Iterator Mixin; learn iterating over elements in a collection; and implement Iterators in jQuery.
12 videos | 1h 18m has Assessment available Badge
Design Patterns in JavaScript: Mediator, State, & Command Behavioral Patterns
Explore the Mediator, State, and Command behavioral design patterns, including how to implement them for modeling communication between components, in this 12-video course. Discover how to perform valid state transitions, implement the State pattern in React, and execute and undo commands. Key concepts covered here include characteristics of Mediator pattern, which is responsible for mediating communication between different components that exist in a system; how to set up Mediator as a workflow object; and how to use Mediator for communication. You will learn about characteristics of State pattern, which allows an object to alter its behavior, its display, or the way it reacts to events when its state changes; how to set up helper methods for State pattern; and how to implement State pattern in React. Continue by learning how to perform valid state transitions; observing characteristics of Command pattern, which is often used in order to implement undo and redo functionality in several applications; learning to implement Command pattern; and how to execute and undo commands.
12 videos | 1h 13m has Assessment available Badge


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JavaScript Frameworks for Modern Web Dev
Written from first-hand experience, readers will benefit from the glorious victories and innumerable failures of two experienced professionals, gain quick insight into hurdles that aren't always explicitly mentioned in API documentation or Readmes, and quickly learn how to use JavaScript frameworks and libraries like a Pro.
book Duration 7h 19m book Authors By Nicholas Cloud, Tim Ambler


Professional JavaScript Frameworks: Prototype,YUI, ExtJS, Dojo and MooTools
Offering a selection of some of the most active and most used JavaScript frameworks available, replete with practical examples and explanations of what each framework does best, this book demonstrates the many aspects of contemporary web development.
book Duration 11h 2m book Authors By Ara Pehlivanian, Harley Jones, Leslie M. Orchard, Scott Koon


Building Web Applications with Visual Studio 2017: Using .NET Core and Modern JavaScript Frameworks
Teaching you how to build web applications and deploy them on multiple platforms using Visual Studio 2017, this thorough resource compares and contrasts several development frameworks so that you can select the best one for your needs.
book Duration 6h 20m book Authors By Ben Dewey, Kevin Grossnicklaus, Philip Japikse



JavaScript in easy steps, 6th edition
This book explains how to easily incorporate JavaScript code in an HTML document.
book Duration 2h 24m book Authors By Mike McGrath


The Joy of JavaScript
The book introduces techniques that turn JavaScript programmers into JavaScript pros. You'll work with cutting edge APIs, language features, and coding styles to tackle tricky problems in an elegant manner. Along the way, you'll practice good object design, drive business logic with functional thinking, and untangle complex data flows.
book Duration 5h 53m book Authors By Luis Atencio


JavaScript: A Beginner's Guide, Fifth Edition
Including notes, tips, and self tests that highlight salient points and aid in learning, this hands-on, fast-paced guide shows, from start to finish, how to create dynamic Web pages complete with special effects using JavaScript.
book Duration 8h 30m book Authors By John Pollock


Beginning JavaScript: The Ultimate Guide to Modern JavaScript Development, Third Edition
Providing everything you need to know to get up-to-speed with JavaScript development and add dynamic enhancements to web pages, this introductory guide will take you from being a JavaScript novice to working freely with this important technology.
book Duration 2h 53m book Authors By Russ Ferguson


JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms: An Introduction to Understanding And Implementing Core Data Structure and Algorithm Fundamentals
With practical code samples, examples and exercises, this comprehensive book explores data structures and algorithm concepts and their relation to everyday JavaScript development.
book Duration 3h 11m book Authors By Sammie Bae


Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming, 3rd Edition
Diving deep into the JavaScript language to show you how to write beautiful, effective code, this book uses extensive examples and immerses you in code from the start, while exercises and full-chapter projects give you hands-on experience with writing your own programs.
book Duration 7h 17m book Authors By Marijn Haverbeke


Professional JavaScript for Web Developers, 4th Edition
Written for intermediate-to-advanced programmers, this book jumps right into the technical details to help you clean up your code and become a more sophisticated JavaScript developer.
book Duration 19h 27m book Authors By Matt Frisbie


JavaScript and Open Data
Including a history of the language for a better understanding of its evolution, this book will teach you how to take advantage of JavaScript to process data provided on the Internet.
book Duration 2h 55m book Authors By Robert Jeansoulin


Professional JavaScript for Web Developers, Fifth Edition
Update and upgrade your JavaScript skillset for ES 2023 with the ultimate JavaScript guide for pros
book Duration 17h 22m book Authors By Matt Frisbie



Get Programming with JavaScript
Offering lots of examples backed by careful explanations, this friendly book is a hands-on introduction to programming for readers who have never written a line of code.
book Duration 4h 49m book Authors By John R. Larsen


JavaScript Bible, Seventh Edition
Packed with sample code and ready-to-use scripts, this definitive guide helps you quickly master JavaScript fundamentals and deploy strategies that best suit your web goals.
book Duration 33h 46m book Authors By Danny Goodman, Michael Morrison, Paul Novitski, Tia Gustaff Rayl


JavaScript Object Programming
Designed to help the intermediate JavaScript programmer learn to use both types of inheritance, this brief book explains the advantages of the object model, inheritance, both classical and prototypical, and shows how these concepts can be implemented in JavaScript.
book Duration 1h 46m book Authors By Martin Rinehart


JavaScript Frameworks for Modern Web Dev
Written from first-hand experience, readers will benefit from the glorious victories and innumerable failures of two experienced professionals, gain quick insight into hurdles that aren't always explicitly mentioned in API documentation or Readmes, and quickly learn how to use JavaScript frameworks and libraries like a Pro.
book Duration 7h 19m book Authors By Nicholas Cloud, Tim Ambler


Reliable JavaScript
Taking a test-first approach to software architecture, this essential resource demonstrates how to create test-driven development for large-scale JavaScript applications that will stand the test of time and stay accurate through long-term use and maintenance.
book Duration 6h 46m book Authors By Lawrence D. Spencer, Seth H. Richards


JavaScript Quick Syntax Reference
Without technical jargon, bloated samples, drawn out history lessons or witty stories, this concise, to the point and highly accessible reference is packed with useful information and is a must-read for any JavaScript programmer or Web developer.
book Duration 58m book Authors By Mikael Olsson


Pro JavaScript Techniques, Second Edition
Filled with real-world examples and case studies, as well as numerous reusable functions and classes, this indispensable book provides everything you need to know about modern JavaScript, and teaches you what JavaScript can do for your web sites.
book Duration 3h 46m book Authors By John Paxton, John Resig, Russ Ferguson


JavaScript Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
Presenting solutions to common problems, best practices you can follow, and everything JavaScript has to offer, this book takes you from language basics like built-in objects and flow control all the way to advanced optimization techniques, frameworks and Node.js.
book Duration 5h 10m book Authors By Keith Cirkel, Russ Ferguson



Practical Ext JS 4
Assuming basic knowledge of HTML and JavaScript, this succinct, practical guide provides you with a solid knowledge of the building blocks of Ext JS 4, and explains all the concepts from a developer's point of view.
book Duration 2h 44m book Authors By Prabhu Sunderaraman



JSON Quick Syntax Reference
With each chapter building on the knowledge learned in the previous one, this quick scripting syntax reference on JSON covers syntax and parameters central to JSON object definitions, using the NetBeans 8.1 open source and Eclipse IDE software tool packages.
book Duration 2h 15m book Authors By Wallace Jackson


Beginning JSON
Providing you with the skill set required for reading and writing properly validated JSON data, this definitive guide covers all areas of JSON from the basics of data formats to creating your own server to store and retrieve persistent data.
book Duration 5h 49m book Authors By Ben Smith


Java XML and JSON
Describing the popular XML and JSON data-interchange languages, this book explores each language and explains how to parse/create XML-based documents and parse JSON-based documents via various Java APIs.
book Duration 3h 1m book Authors By Jeff Friesen



JavaScript: A Beginner's Guide, Fifth Edition
Including notes, tips, and self tests that highlight salient points and aid in learning, this hands-on, fast-paced guide shows, from start to finish, how to create dynamic Web pages complete with special effects using JavaScript.
book Duration 8h 30m book Authors By John Pollock


Get Programming with JavaScript
Offering lots of examples backed by careful explanations, this friendly book is a hands-on introduction to programming for readers who have never written a line of code.
book Duration 4h 49m book Authors By John R. Larsen


Beginning Functional JavaScript: Uncover the Concepts of Functional Programming with EcmaScript 8, Second Edition
Providing simple, concise, and ready-to-run code samples, this book will show you functional programming concepts using JavaScript ES8 including currying, partial functions, higher-order functions, and monads.
book Duration 3h book Authors By Anto Aravinth, Srikanth Machiraju


Beginning JavaScript: The Ultimate Guide to Modern JavaScript Development, Third Edition
Providing everything you need to know to get up-to-speed with JavaScript development and add dynamic enhancements to web pages, this introductory guide will take you from being a JavaScript novice to working freely with this important technology.
book Duration 2h 53m book Authors By Russ Ferguson


Understanding ECMAScript 6: The Definitive Guide for JavaScript Developers
Packed with example code that works in any JavaScript environment so you'll be able to see new features in action, this book is a complete guide to the object types, syntax, and other exciting changes that ECMAScript 6 brings to JavaScript.
book Duration 4h 58m book Authors By Nicholas C. Zakas


JavaScript Frameworks for Modern Web Dev
Written from first-hand experience, readers will benefit from the glorious victories and innumerable failures of two experienced professionals, gain quick insight into hurdles that aren't always explicitly mentioned in API documentation or Readmes, and quickly learn how to use JavaScript frameworks and libraries like a Pro.
book Duration 7h 19m book Authors By Nicholas Cloud, Tim Ambler


JavaScript Object Programming
Designed to help the intermediate JavaScript programmer learn to use both types of inheritance, this brief book explains the advantages of the object model, inheritance, both classical and prototypical, and shows how these concepts can be implemented in JavaScript.
book Duration 1h 46m book Authors By Martin Rinehart



The Joy of JavaScript
The book introduces techniques that turn JavaScript programmers into JavaScript pros. You'll work with cutting edge APIs, language features, and coding styles to tackle tricky problems in an elegant manner. Along the way, you'll practice good object design, drive business logic with functional thinking, and untangle complex data flows.
book Duration 5h 53m book Authors By Luis Atencio


JavaScript: A Beginner's Guide, Fifth Edition
Including notes, tips, and self tests that highlight salient points and aid in learning, this hands-on, fast-paced guide shows, from start to finish, how to create dynamic Web pages complete with special effects using JavaScript.
book Duration 8h 30m book Authors By John Pollock


Beginning JavaScript: The Ultimate Guide to Modern JavaScript Development, Third Edition
Providing everything you need to know to get up-to-speed with JavaScript development and add dynamic enhancements to web pages, this introductory guide will take you from being a JavaScript novice to working freely with this important technology.
book Duration 2h 53m book Authors By Russ Ferguson


Beginning Functional JavaScript: Uncover the Concepts of Functional Programming with EcmaScript 8, Second Edition
Providing simple, concise, and ready-to-run code samples, this book will show you functional programming concepts using JavaScript ES8 including currying, partial functions, higher-order functions, and monads.
book Duration 3h book Authors By Anto Aravinth, Srikanth Machiraju


Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming, 3rd Edition
Diving deep into the JavaScript language to show you how to write beautiful, effective code, this book uses extensive examples and immerses you in code from the start, while exercises and full-chapter projects give you hands-on experience with writing your own programs.
book Duration 7h 17m book Authors By Marijn Haverbeke


Professional JavaScript for Web Developers, 4th Edition
Written for intermediate-to-advanced programmers, this book jumps right into the technical details to help you clean up your code and become a more sophisticated JavaScript developer.
book Duration 19h 27m book Authors By Matt Frisbie


JavaScript and Open Data
Including a history of the language for a better understanding of its evolution, this book will teach you how to take advantage of JavaScript to process data provided on the Internet.
book Duration 2h 55m book Authors By Robert Jeansoulin


Get Programming with JavaScript Next: New Features of ECMAScript 2015, 2016, and beyond
This book introduces the modern age of JavaScript programming with ES6 and ES7 without dragging you through confusing jargon and abstract examples you'll never use.
book Duration 4h 36m book Authors By JD Isaacks


JavaScript on Things: Hacking Hardware for Web Developers
A fully illustrated, hands-on introduction, this book is your first step into the exciting and downright entertaining world of programming for small electronics.
book Duration 6h 11m book Authors By Lyza Danger Gardner


JavaScript Awareness (Entry Level)
The JavaScript Awareness benchmark measures your ability to recognize the power and scope of the JavaScript programming language and its applications. You will be evaluated on your skills in using JavaScript behind HTML pages to build a simple and interactive web app. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the skills to use JavaScript in conjunction with HTML pages.
16m    |   16 questions
JavaScript Literacy (Beginner Level)
The JavaScript Literacy benchmark measures your ability to explore features of primitive data types in JavaScript, such as numbers, strings, and booleans. You will be evaluated on your skills in making optimum use of all the functions. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the skills to work with primitive data types in JavaScript using methods and operators, as well as define and use JavaScript functions.
15m    |   15 questions
JavaScript Proficiency (Advanced Level)
The JavaScript Proficiency benchmark assesses your ability to apply closures and implement inheritance using prototypes in JavaScript. You will be evaluated on your skills in working with the DOM of a web page, responding to events initiated by users, interacting with an end user's browser, and implementing form validation and asynchronous programming in JavaScript applications. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the skills to work with closures and prototypes, handle events, and implement asynchronous programming in JavaScript.
25m    |   25 questions
JavaScript Competency (Intermediate Level)
The JavaScript Competency benchmark assesses your knowledge of creating and managing objects in JavaScript using the built-in tools available. You will be evaluated on your skills in recognizing functions as arguments to other functions and as return values of functions, and linking functions with specific objects when invoked. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the skills to use array of features and a variety of functions offered in JavaScript.
21m    |   21 questions


JavaScript Design Patterns Literacy (Beginner Level)
The JavaScript Design Patterns Literacy benchmark assesses your ability to understand the principles of good design and the three main design pattern categories. You will be evaluated on your skills in recognizing the different types of design patterns, the usage of anti-patterns, and what to avoid while writing code. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the skills to recognize and apply good design principles, anti-patterns, and various types of design patterns in JavaScript.
24m    |   24 questions
JavaScript Design Patterns Proficiency (Advanced Level)
The JavaScript Design Patterns Proficiency benchmark measures your ability effectively implement the three categories of design patterns while following best practices. You will be evaluated on your skills in using the Facade pattern for AJAX requests, applying the Decorative pattern to dynamic customizations, and using Mixins to simulate multiple inheritance. You will also be evaluated on your ability to use the Flyweight pattern for centralized event handling, apply the Observer pattern for custom events, implement the State pattern in React, and execute/undo commands. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the skills to proficiently work with various design patterns categorized as Creational, Structural, and Behavioral and apply advanced techniques in JavaScript.
30m    |   30 questions
JavaScript Design Patterns Competency (Intermediate Level)
The JavaScript Design Patterns Competency benchmark measures your ability to recognize and use the Constructor and Factory patterns and other creational design patterns, such as Singleton, Prototype, and Builder. You will be evaluated on your skills in implementing structural design patterns, including the Module, Revealing Module, Facade, Decorator, Mixin, Flyweight, Adapter, Composite, and Proxy. You will also be evaluated on your ability to define and use the Observer and Iterator, Mediator, State, and Command design patterns. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the skills to define, set, and apply Creational, Structural, and Behavioral design patterns in JavaScript.
30m    |   30 questions


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