Professional JavaScript Frameworks: Prototype,YUI, ExtJS, Dojo and MooTools

  • 11h 2m
  • Ara Pehlivanian, Harley Jones, Leslie M. Orchard, Scott Koon
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 2009

As the industry-standard, must-know scripting language, JavaScript is supported by all major browsers and is increasingly the foundation of new web development technologies such as Ajax and JSON. This book offers a selection of some of the most active and most used JavaScript frameworks available, replete with practical examples and explanations of what each framework does best. You’ll look at common web development tasks and discover how each framework approaches that set of tasks, as well as learn how to use the features of each framework and avoid potential pitfalls.

About the Authors

Leslie Michael Orchard is a tinkerer, writer, and serial enthusiast from the Detroit area. On rare occasions when spare time is found, he shares and documents odd bits of code and other interests at a web site called 0xDECAFBAD (

Ara Pehlivanian has been working on the Web since 1997. He's been a freelancer, a webmaster, and most recently, a front-end architect and practice lead for Nurun, a global interactive communications agency. Ara's experience comes from having worked on every aspect of web development throughout his career, but he's now following his passion for web standards-based front-end development. When he isn't teaching about best practices or writing code professionally, he's maintaining his personal site at

Scott Koon has been a professional software developer for over 13 years. He spent the majority of his time in college working with a legacy, undocumented symbolic language (DNA), resulting in a degree in biochemistry. He's been writing JavaScript since it was called LiveScript and remembers when Netscape had a big purple "N" in the upper right-hand corner. He maintains a blog at and has been active in the weblogging community for about 10 years. He is often on Twitter at and has contributed to the development of a WPF .NET Twitter client called Witty. He also cohosts a podcast called Herding Code ( that deals with a wide variety of issues in technology.

Harley Jones is currently a lead technical consultant for Perficient, Inc (NASDAQ: PRFT). He graduated from Oglethorpe University in Atlanta, Georgia with an English literature degree but has been programming since he was 10 years old. He has been developing software professionally for more than 10 years and literally consumes programming languages. He actively supports and mentors almost anyone serious in learning modern programming techniques.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Extending and Enhancing DOM Elements
  • Handling Cross-Browser Events
  • Simplifying AJAX and Dynamic Data
  • Working with Forms
  • Manipulating Common Data Structures and Functions
  • Extending Prototype
  • Traversing and Manipulating the DOM with YUI
  • Handling Cross-Browser Events
  • Using Animation and Drag and Drop
  • Simplifying AJAX and Dynamic Loading
  • Building User Interfaces with Widgets (Part I)
  • Building User Interfaces with Widgets (Part II)
  • Enhancing Development with the YUI Core
  • Dealing with Data, Tables, and Charts
  • Working with YUI CSS Tools
  • Building and Deploying
  • Architecture and Library Conventions
  • Elements, DomHelper, and Templates
  • Components, Layouts, and Windows
  • Handling Data and Talking with the Server
  • DataViews and Grids
  • Form Controls, Validation, and a Whole Lot More
  • Enhancing Development with Dojo Core
  • Manipulating the DOM
  • Handling Events
  • Composing Animations
  • Working with AJAX and Dynamic Data
  • Building User Interfaces with Widgets
  • Building and Deploying Dojo
  • Expanding Dojo
  • Enhancing Development with MooTools
  • Manipulating the DOM and Handling Events
  • Simplifying AJAX and Handling Dynamic Data
  • Building User Interfaces and Using Animation