Web App Development with Django Competency (Intermediate Level)
- 30m
- 30 questions
The Web App Development with Django Competency benchmark assesses your knowledge of standardizing HTML elements and managing website users with the built-in Django admin app. You will be evaluated on your skills in representing entities in a Django project using models and implementing user registration and a login/logout feature in a web site. Additionally, you will also be measured on your ability to define pages for viewing, creating, and editing, and deleting Django model instances using the built-in generic view classes available in Django. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the skills to develop a full-fledged web application using Django.
Topics covered
- add additional fields in the user registration form by extending its definition
- allow users to update instances of your Django model by means of an UpdateView view
- configure views in your Django application to render only when the user is signed in
- configure where a user is redirected to on a Django website upon a successful login
- convey data from a view to a Django template in a dictionary
- create a base template containing the common elements for multiple pages in your Django web site
- create an archive of your Django model instances, categorized by year, using the YearArchiveView view
- create a superuser for your Django project and sign in to the Django user administration app
- create a view that uses Django's built-in user registration form
- create instances of a Django model and access model attributes, including related objects
- define a logout template to serve as the logout page for your Django website
- define forms and a view function to enable users of your Django web site to update model instances
- define the model for the profile of a user of your Django application
- define the URL and template file for the user registration page for a Django application
- define the URL, view, and template for a new web page in a Django application
- describe the effects of assigning staff user status and specific permissions to Django app users
- display a user's information, including their associated image, in a profile page
- enable the creation of new instances of your Django model by implementing a CreateView view
- extend the base template and the common elements defined within it while building individual pages in your Django web site
- generate an archive of your Django model instances using the ArchiveIndexView view
- install and use the django-crispy-forms library to format your Django application's user registration page
- present different views for users who are signed in to your Django website as opposed to regular users
- propagate a model definition to your project's database by generating and running a migration script
- save the data submitted in a user registration form to the Django project database
- set a customized 404 error page for your Django web site
- set permissions for users to delete instances of your Django model and define the redirect URL for a successful delete
- use the built-in generic ListView to list instances of a model in your Django project
- use the Django Admin interface to create new users and groups
- use the Django template language to generate a URL for a URL pattern
- view, update, and create instances of your Django model from the built-in admin interface