Software Testing Foundation (CTFL 4.0) Competency (Intermediate Level)

  • 30m
  • 30 questions
The Software Testing Foundation (CTFL 4.0) Competency (Intermediate Level) benchmark measures your recognition of the fundamentals and review process of static testing, related review types and techniques, and the categories of testing and experience-based testing techniques. You will be assessed on your knowledge of black-box testing methods, white-box testing techniques, and the benefits and challenges of statement and decision coverage on source code. Learners scoring high on this benchmark demonstrate their recognition of the different types of testing, such as static software testing, software testing techniques, and black-box and white-box testing techniques.

Topics covered

  • identify and describe the main activities of the work product review process
  • identify and describe the organizational factors that can help provide a successful review outcome
  • identify the attributes associated with an informal review
  • identify the attributes associated with an inspection review
  • identify the challenges of performing statement and decision coverage on source code
  • identify the differences between static and dynamic testing techniques with respect to objectives, types of defects, and the role of the techniques used
  • identify the features and benefits of smoke testing a system
  • identify the three critical aspects of creating user stories
  • outline how to create and use acceptance test cases
  • outline how to perform a review on source code and requirements specification
  • outline how to perform white-box application programming interface (API) testing
  • outline how to perform white-box branch testing and coverage
  • outline how to perform white-box statement testing and coverage
  • outline methods for incorporating the review process as part of the corporate culture
  • outline statement testing and statement coverage white-box testing
  • outline the experience-based testing technique of checklist-based testing and the benefits it provides when testing the software product
  • outline the experience-based testing technique of error guessing and the benefits it provides when testing the software product
  • outline the experience-based testing technique of exploratory testing and the benefits it provides when testing the software product
  • outline the relevance and importance of security testing
  • outline the various benefits provided by performing static testing in the software development life cycle
  • outline what experience-based test techniques are and identify their common characteristics
  • outline what grey-box test techniques are and identify their common characteristics
  • recognize how to apply boundary value analysis to develop appropriate test cases from requirements
  • recognize how to apply decision table testing to derive test cases from requirements
  • recognize how to apply equivalence partitioning to derive appropriate test cases from requirements
  • recognize how to apply state transition testing to derive appropriate test cases from requirements
  • recognize the factors to consider when determining the type of reviews to perform
  • recognize the relevance and importance of compatibility testing
  • recognize the relevance and importance of user interface testing
  • recognize the value of performing statement and decision coverage on the source code