Software Craft for Engineering Leaders Proficiency (Advanced Level)
- 15m
- 15 questions
The Software Craft for Engineering Leaders Proficiency (Advanced Level) benchmark measures your ability to identify best practices for leading teams, recognize the phases of quality management, and utilize a quality management framework. You will be evaluated on your skills in differentiating between the Agile and Waterfall approaches, interpreting how to leverage the Scrum and Kanban methodologies, and selecting what to include in user stories. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have good experience in leading software teams.
Topics covered
- critique approaches to dealing with people
- define the concept of embracing failure
- define two Agile approaches
- describe the concept of Agile
- describe the concept of Agile market analysis
- describe the concept of leadership
- describe the concept of situational leadership
- determine whether a product is ready to be transferred to operations
- identify elements of a quality management framework
- investigate opportunities and threats within the market
- investigate strengths and weaknesses within an organization
- judge whether product development execution is ready to be closed out
- judge whether project development planning is mature enough to proceed to product development execution
- judge whether the project charter is mature enough to continue with product development planning
- synthesize challenges faced by Agile leaders