Python Web Literacy (Beginner Level)

  • 30m
  • 20 questions
The Python Web Literacy benchmark will measure your ability to build web applications using Flask in Python. You will be evaluated on your web development skills and ability to write effective code to implement unit testing, multithreading, concurrency in Python, and process HTTP requests in Python. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the ability to perform unit testing in Python and develop interactive web applications using Flask in Python.

Topics covered

  • apply markers to tests and run only those tests which contain specific marker, and skip the execution of specific tests unconditionally
  • configure a route in your Flask app so that POST requests can be submitted to it
  • create and execute a coroutine using the asyncio module
  • create a script which uses the unittest framework by using the PyCharm IDE
  • create semaphores in Python and recognize the effect of calling their acquire and release methods
  • debug test scripts using the python debugger
  • define a route that renders an HTML page when a URL is accessed
  • execute queries against tables using a SQLAlchemy model
  • execute two threads concurrently to save time relative to a sequential execution
  • generate URLs dynamically using the url_for function
  • group test cases into a test suite and execute them using a test runner
  • identify the format of an HTTP Response and parse the data accordingly
  • identify the various assert functions available in unittest and their specific use cases
  • install and use a Flask extension to allow users to login to your Flask app and maintain a login session
  • invoke the validators defined for WTForm elements to ensure that the user input is in the correct form
  • make a GET request and explore the response object returned, which includes a status code and headers
  • recall the features of the Flask framework that are available either out of the box or via extensions
  • recognize what a race condition is and when it can occur with concurrent programming
  • recognize where doctests can be placed within source code
  • share complex Python data between processes using the Manager class