Prompt Engineering Fundamentals for Programmers Literacy (Beginner Level)

  • 20m
  • 20 questions
The Prompt Engineering Fundamentals for Programmers Literacy (Beginner Level) benchmark evaluates your knowledge and understanding of the basics of prompt engineering. You will be assessed on your understanding of generative AI language models and how their responses can be tuned in the OpenAI Playground. Learners who score high on this benchmark demonstrate that they can apply prompt engineering when working with the OpenAI Playground.

Topics covered

  • analyze creativity using probabilities
  • compare ChatGPT and the OpenAI Playground
  • configure the maximum length for answers and explore role play with the model
  • explore generative AI, ChatGPT, and large language models (LLMs)
  • explore prompt engineering applications and provide an overview of the OpenAI Playground
  • explore the basic features of Perplexity AI
  • identify the use cases of prompt engineering for different roles
  • share prompts using presets
  • talk to Bing Chat with natural language prompts
  • talk to ChatGPT with natural language prompts
  • talk to Google Bard with natural language prompts
  • tune the temperature hyperparameter
  • tune the Top P hyperparameter
  • tweak frequency and presence penalty
  • use stop sequences in the OpenAI Playground
  • use the chat modes and models in the OpenAI Playground
  • use the legacy Completion and Edits API
  • view probabilities in response text
  • work with the focus modes and features of Perplexity
  • work with the precise and creative modes in Bing Chat