Oracle Certified Professional: Java SE 11 Developer Mastery (Expert Level)

  • 30m
  • 30 questions
The Java SE 11 Developer Mastery benchmark assesses your knowledge of concurrency in Java, secure coding practices, Denial-of-Service attacks, key pairs, signature validation, and secure socket code. You will be evaluated on your skills in working with the java.sql and javax.sql packages, mapping SQL types to classes and interfaces, using enum classes in JDBC, and working with RowSet objects. You will also be assessed on your ability to manage localization, work with resource bundles, format information, and work with annotations. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the skills to work with and write efficient and secure code to create database-driven applications.

Topics covered

  • apply annotations to classes and methods
  • build and declare custom annotations
  • classify the information that can be retrieved using ThreadInfo
  • convert unsecure socket code to secure socket code
  • create and use resource bundles
  • describe common threading problems, including deadlocks and livelocks
  • describe JCA, including its architecture and the principles surrounding it
  • describe the Engine class and list the Engine classes available in JCA
  • describe the Enum classes and how they are used in JDBC
  • describe the Executor interface and classes that can be used to get tunable thread pools
  • describe the guidelines for data integrity, with focus on injections, inclusion, and input validation
  • describe the purpose of annotations and their typical uses
  • format dates, numbers, and messages in Java SE 11
  • generate and verify signatures using generated keys
  • list synchronization classes and memory consistency properties that can be used in concurrency
  • list the essential Enums provided in the Annotation package that can help classify and specify retention policies
  • prevent Denial-of-Service in Java applications
  • recall the exceptions that can be thrown while working with concurrency
  • recognize enhancements to the features of the javax.sql package
  • recognize the commonly used annotations in the Java SE 11 Development Kit
  • secure confidential information in Java applications
  • secure serialization and deserialization in Java
  • use PreparedStatement to perform CRUD operations
  • use RowSet objects to manage data
  • use the CountDownLatch and CyclicBarrier classes
  • use the DatabaseMetaData and ParameterMetaData interfaces
  • use the ForkJoinPool and ForkJoinTask methods to manage concurrent tasks
  • use the Locale class
  • use the PreparedStatement and CallableStatement APIs to perform database operations
  • use the TimeUnit enum