OpenAI APIs Competency (Intermediate Level)
- 16m
- 16 questions
The OpenAI APIs Competency (Intermediate Level) benchmark measures your knowledge of working with OpenAI's diverse models, including those for image, audio, and text-based applications, as well as their capabilities. You will be evaluated on your ability to leverage OpenAI's application programming interfaces (APIs) for use in real-world scenarios. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates a strong understanding of OpenAI's diverse models. This competency reflects a readiness to innovate and deploy AI tools across various domains within an organization.
Topics covered
- classify reviews using embeddings
- cluster text based on embeddings
- create and query an assistant
- create and use functions for assistants
- create image variations and perform inpainting
- create prompt completion pairs for fine-tuning
- evaluate audio transcription
- generate images using DALL-E
- interpret images with the chat application programming interface (API)
- introduce embeddings for text data
- perform translation and text-to-speech conversion
- run a fine-tuning job
- set up the Whisper model locally
- transcribe clips of audio
- upload a file for an assistant
- view chat responses from fine-tuned models