MongoDB Literacy (Beginner Level)

  • 10m
  • 10 questions
The MongoDB Literacy (Beginner Level) benchmark measures your recognition of the powers and limitations of document databases and MongoDB Atlas. You will be evaluated on your knowledge of MongoDB Atlas components, setting up an Atlas cluster, and connecting to Atlas using MongoDB Compass. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates a basic understanding of NoSQL databases and the fundamentals of MongoDB.

Topics covered

  • connect to an Atlas cluster using MongoDB compass and browse the database, collection, and documents
  • download and install the MongoDB Compass graphical client
  • identify the components of a MongoDB Atlas account and how these can be applied in the real world
  • identify the types of causal consistency guarantees and the levels of read and write consistency required to achieve them
  • list the different categories of NoSQL databases and outline how these differ from relational systems
  • outline the features of MongoDB and how these may apply to a wide variety of use cases
  • recognize the components of a MongoDB system and what purpose each of them serve
  • recognize the flexibility offered by document data structures and how these can enhance query performance
  • set up a user with the required permissions to interact with an Atlas cluster
  • sign up for MongoDB Atlas and provision a cluster