MongoDB Competency (Intermediate Level)

  • 22m
  • 22 questions
The MongoDB Competency (Intermediate Level) benchmark measures your recognition of how to interact with a MongoDB Atlas cluster from a variety of clients and perform CRUD operations with MongoDB Atlas. You will be evaluated on your skills in connecting to a MongoDB Atlas cluster, performing a bulk upload of data into a MongoDB collection, invoking MongoDB shell functions to perform read operations, filtering documents based on attributes, creating and building multistage pipelines, and more. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates good hands-on experience interacting with a MongoDB Atlas cluster and performing data retrieval.

Topics covered

  • add new documents to a collection using the insertOne and insertMany functions
  • apply filters on the documents in a collection using the Compass user interface (UI)
  • connect to a MongoDB Atlas cluster and browse documents with the Compass client
  • connect to a MongoDB Atlas cluster using a onetime password and application programming interface (API) keys
  • create a pipeline with multiple stages to perform an aggregation
  • define a simple aggregation pipeline in MongoDB
  • execute cluster creation and administration commands using the Atlas command line interface (CLI)
  • filter documents based on the existence of an attribute
  • implement a pipeline with the Compass GUI using its preview feature to recognize the transformations at each stage
  • implement operations such as addition, subtraction, and multiplication in a MongoDB query
  • invoke MongoDB shell functions to perform skip, sort, and limit operations
  • modify a single document based on a filter condition
  • perform a bulk upload of data into a MongoDB collection from the contents of a CSV file
  • perform basic CRUD operations from the Compass client
  • perform equality and set membership operations on document data
  • provision a database and collection from the graphical interface of MongoDB Compass
  • run simple queries against collections from the built-in MongoDB shell in the Compass client
  • search for a document based on a pattern in one of its string fields
  • substitute a new document for an existing one and remove unwanted documents from a collection
  • transform double values to integers when querying a MongoDB collection
  • use operators such as skip, sort and limit when querying documents in a collection
  • use the updateMany function and configure it to perform an upsert