Mobile Automation Testing with Appium Proficiency (Advanced Level)

  • 25m
  • 25 questions
The Mobile Automation Testing with Appium Proficiency (Advanced Level) benchmark evaluates your skills in Appium framework design principles for Android and iOS, global settings configuration, developing advanced reporting mechanisms, and cross-platform integration. You will be assessed on your skills to apply an effective test strategy, integrate Appium automation with Jenkins, and the process of migrating to Appium 2.0. Learners scoring high on this benchmark will demonstrate their proficiency in appium framework design principles and strategies, applying troubleshooting techniques, and evaluating best practices for robust mobile automation.

Topics covered

  • apply advanced data-driven techniques to enhance the effectiveness of Appium automation scripts
  • apply the Page Object Model to Android and iOS automation tests, ensuring consistency and maintainability across both platforms
  • apply troubleshooting techniques to handle complex Appium scenarios, elevating overall testing quality and efficiency
  • create action methods within the Page Object file to facilitate seamless interaction between tests and page elements
  • develop a data utility capable of reading and parsing JSON files for TestNG data provider input
  • develop a Page Object file specifically for the Product Catalogue page, incorporating relevant actions
  • employ the Appium Driver Manager to efficiently install and manage different Appium drivers
  • execute end-to-end Appium tests and generate Extent HTML reports
  • explore the new features and updates in Appium 2.0 documentation and changelog
  • implement automatic screenshots on test failures and attach them to reports
  • implement data-driven testing using TestNG data providers
  • integrate the Appium framework with Jenkins for seamless CI/CD
  • outline how to implement a Page Object Model, focusing on design considerations and implementation strategies
  • outline how to optimize Android and iOS base tests using reusable methods from Appium Utils
  • outline the process of designing an effective test strategy to optimize Appium test execution
  • outline the use of the new Appium command line interface (CLI) for streamlined Appium 2.0 installations and updates
  • parameterize test data with multiple datasets using TestNG data providers
  • recognize best practices to enhance Appium testing performance, including implicit and explicit waits, network and device conditions, and locator strategies
  • recognize the crucial role of framework design in achieving efficient and maintainable test automation
  • run selected tests from a pool of tests using TestNG groups
  • send runtime parameters from Maven commands to Appium tests
  • trigger framework tests using Maven commands and options
  • troubleshoot migration-related issues during the transition to Appium 2.0
  • utilize Appium Utils for the creation of cross-platform reusable methods
  • utilize tools like logs, screenshots, breakpoints, and debuggers to identify and resolve the root causes of Appium problems