Kubernetes Competency (Intermediate Level)
- 20m
- 20 questions
The Kubernetes Competency benchmark measures whether a learner has been exposed to this technology and has some experience working with it and technologies similar to it. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates an intermediate level of skill in commonly used Kubernetes services and tools.
Topics covered
- configure a Kubernetes cluster
- define what a cluster and nodes are and understand the motivation behind clustering
- describe Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and outline how it's managed for continuous delivery
- describe features and benefits of Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Services (EKS) and how it's managed for continuous delivery
- describe how Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Services (EKS) handles logging and monitoring
- describe how Google Cloud Operations for Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) handles logging and monitoring
- describe how Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) handles logging and monitoring
- describe Kubernetes objects and their purpose
- describe the features and benefits of Kubernetes load balancing
- describe the YAML templating language
- describe what Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) is and outline how it's managed for continuous delivery
- "describe what makes Kubernetes networking different than other platform networking considerations with reference to the history of enterprise networked applications and services "
- explain how Kubernetes was designed for distributed computing and that it is clustering software
- identify several key features of Kubernetes
- identify the phases of a pod's life and describe a pod's lifecycle
- identify what a DaemonSet is in Kubernetes and why they are used
- identify what a pod is, and explain its crucial role in Kubernetes
- identify what a ReplicaSet is in Kubernetes and recognize its role
- outline how cloud computing helps accelerate scalable solutions
- recognize the benefits of containerized applications