Java Database Connectivity Literacy (Beginner Level)

  • 15m 59s
  • 16 questions
The Java Database Connectivity Literacy (Beginner Level) benchmark measures your knowledge of JDBC features, objects and their use cases, and how to connect a Java app to a database using JDBC. You will be evaluated on your skills in using Java Statement objects to run a variety of SQL queries against a database. Learners who score high on this benchmark demonstrate that they understand JDBC features and have the skills to execute database statements in JDBC.

Topics covered

  • add rows to a database table by running an INSERT query from a Java app
  • adopt a DataSource object to create a Connection with a database
  • configure a Java app to use a JDBC driver when connecting to a database
  • describe the role of batch updates and transactions when working with JDBC
  • drop a table and database from a Java app
  • execute a SQL query to create a database table from a Java app
  • identify some of the exceptions that could be thrown when using JDBC to work with databases
  • identify the different JDBC objects that enable a Java app to work with a database, and recall the roll played by each of them
  • optimize the execution of similar queries by parametrizing them with PreparedStatements
  • recall the specific types of RowSets available in JDBC and their specific features and use cases
  • recall the types of exceptions that could occur when passing incorrect parameters to a PreparedStatement
  • recognize the limitations of the Statement object when several executions of similar queries are involved
  • recognize the role played by a ResultSet in navigating over and modifying the contents of tabular data
  • set up a Maven project to work with a JDBC driver
  • use database connection details in a properties file to set up a connection to a database using JDBC
  • write a Java app that connects to a database using JDBC