Java Certified Foundations Associate Proficiency (Advanced Level)

  • 25m
  • 25 questions
The Java Certified Foundations Associate Proficiency benchmark assesses your knowledge of handling exceptions and debugging your Java code. You will be evaluated on your skills in recognizing how Arrays and Arraylist are designed to handle looping through lists of data, and working with LinkedList, the HashMap, and the HashSet classes. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the skills to work with interfaces and static members, and can create and instantiate a class with and without constructor parameters and modify the object fields.

Topics covered

  • create and instantiate a class with and without constructor parameters and modify the object fields
  • debug code using IntelliJ
  • debug code using the Java JDB tool
  • demonstrate how access modifiers are used by classes in Java
  • demonstrate how Arrays are used within Java
  • demonstrate how classes are used in Java
  • demonstrate how HashMap class is used within Java
  • demonstrate how LinkedList class is used within Java
  • demonstrate interfaces and how they are used within Java
  • demonstrate Java methods and how they are used in Java classes
  • demonstrate overloading and how it applies to the constructor and methods in Java
  • demonstrate some of the common exceptions in Java
  • describe ArrayLists and how they are used within Java
  • describe Arrays and ArrayLists in Java and their differences
  • describe how access modifiers are used by classes in Java
  • describe how to debug code using the Java JDB tool
  • describe Java accessor methods and how they are used in Java classes
  • describe Java mutator methods and how they are used in Java classes
  • describe some of the best practices when debugging code in Java
  • describe some of the common syntax and logic errors that are made in Java code
  • describe the difference between class, instance, local variables and how they relate to Java
  • describe the HashSet class and how it is used within Java
  • describe the static keyword and how it is applied to methods in Java
  • handle exceptions in Java
  • use try catch blocks within Java