Java Certified Foundations Associate Competency (Intermediate Level)
- 25m
- 25 questions
The Java Certified Foundations Associate Competency benchmark measures your knowledge of working with the String, StringBuffer, and StringBuilder classes with the stack and heap memory. You will be evaluated on your skills in using the Java Math and random number generator classes. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the skills to perform String and Math operations and use control flow structures in Java.
Topics covered
- compare two String objects by using the compareTo method
- demonstrate code that uses break and continue statements in Java
- demonstrate do-while loops in Java
- demonstrate for loops in Java
- demonstrate the differences between the equals() method and the == operator in Java
- demonstrate the features and methods of the java.util.Random class
- demonstrate the features and methods of the Math.random class
- demonstrate the features and methods of the ThreadLocalRandom class
- demonstrate the features of the Java String class
- demonstrate the use of advanced Math class methods
- demonstrate the use of the if-then and if-then-else statements and how they are used as decision statements in Java
- demonstrate the use of the Java StringBuffer class
- demonstrate the use of the Java StringBuilder class
- demonstrate the use of the switch statement and how it is used as a decision statement in Java
- demonstrate the use of various String class methods
- demonstrate the use of various String escaping characters
- demonstrate the use of various String formatting specifiers
- demonstrate while loops in Java
- describe basic Math class functions in Java
- describe enhanced for loops in Java
- describe how the == operator differs between primitives and objects
- describe the best practices for selecting the correct looping statements in Java
- describe the if-then and if-then-else statements and how they are used as decision statements in Java
- describe the types of looping statements in Java such as for loops, while loops, do-while loops, and enhanced for loops
- describe the various classes and methods for comparing primitives and objects such as the ==, compareTo, and equals