Java Advanced Data Structures and Algorithm Proficiency (Advanced Level)

  • 15m
  • 15 questions
The Java Advanced Data Structures and Algorithm Proficiency (Advanced Level) benchmark evaluates your knowledge of techniques for choosing sorting and searching algorithms and implementing common algorithms. You will be evaluated on your skills in performing add and remove operations in O(log n) time and accessing the highest-priority element in O(1) time. The learners who score high on this benchmark demonstrate that they have the skills to implement sorting and searching Algorithms in Java and work with the binary heap data structure in Java.

Topics covered

  • design and write code for binary search
  • design and write code for interpolation search
  • design and write code for jump search
  • develop methods for splitting and merging operations
  • explain the common operations to be performed on a priority queue
  • implement adaptive bubble sort with early stopping
  • implement the minimum heap
  • perform operations on a maximum heap
  • recognize how insert and remove works on a binary heap
  • recognize the trade-offs involved in choosing sorting algorithms
  • summarize the heapify operation on a binary heap
  • write code for the heapify operation in heap sort
  • write code to implement quick sort
  • write code to implement selection sort
  • write code to implement shell sort