Azure Security Literacy (Beginner Level)
- 25m
- 22 questions
The Azure Security Literacy benchmark will measure your ability to recognize key terms and concepts related to Azure security services. You will be evaluated on security features offered by Azure, protecting your network with firewall rules, the Azure key vault, storage security, and IAM. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have an understanding of common Azure security terminology and concepts.
Topics covered
- apply security and performance best practices to Azure
- deploy an Azure Key Vault using the portal
- describe how Azure uses identities to control resource access
- describe personally identifiable information and protected health information
- determine when an Azure Key Vault should be used
- discuss defense in depth, the Microsoft Privacy Statement, Online Service Terms and Data Protection Amendment
- harden app containers
- identify common web app vulnerabilities
- identify how roles are used in Azure
- identify how VPNs allows secure connections to Azure
- identify steps taken to harden VMs
- identify the purpose of Azure Key Vault
- identify ways to harden Azure storage accounts
- implement Azure Firewall configurations
- navigate the Azure Security Center
- navigate through Azure security options
- protect sensitive data with data masking
- recognize firewall options available to protect Azure resources
- recognize how NSGs can allow or deny network traffic
- recognize what constitutes PII
- use keys and a shared access signature to access a storage account
- view various Azure service SLAs