AZ-204: Monitoring, Troubleshooting, and Optimizing Azure Solutions Competency (Intermediate Level)

  • 26m
  • 26 questions
The AZ-204: Monitoring, Troubleshooting, and Optimizing Azure Solutions Competency benchmark measures your ability to configure cache and expiration policies for Azure Cache for Redis and implement secure and optimized application cache patterns including data sizing, connections, encryption, and expiration. You will be evaluated on your skills to configure an app or service to use Application Insights, review and analyze metrics and log data, and implement Application Insights web tests and alerts. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the skills to implement caching solutions and troubleshoot solutions by using metrics and log data.

Topics covered

  • add code to your app to handle transient faults
  • collect and query data using Azure Application Insights
  • configure caching rules and behaviors in Azure CDN
  • connect to on-prem applications remotely and securely through Azure AD Application Proxy
  • deploy an Azure CDN endpoint
  • deploy Azure Cache for Redis for your application
  • enable Application Insights to collect data from your ASP.NET Core web site
  • ensure your site is available using Application Insights
  • ensure you use best practices when implementing Azure CDN
  • follow best practices for caching your web applications
  • identify what causes transient fault handling
  • implement Redis Output Cache Provider
  • implement the session state provider to store session state in-memory with Azure Cache for Redis
  • leverage Azure Web Application Firewall with Azure Application Gateway to secure your web apps
  • protect your application from distributed denial-of-service attacks with Azure DDoS Protection
  • recognize what Azure Cache for Redis provides
  • restrict access by country to your web application using Azure Content Delivery Network
  • use Application insights to diagnose performance issues
  • use Application Insights to find and diagnose exceptions
  • use Azure Application Gateway to build and protect highly available secure applications
  • use Azure Monitor for collecting and analyzing logs
  • use Azure Sentinel for security analysis and threat detection
  • use secrets stored in Azure Vault to encrypt and decrypt storage through your application
  • use the alerting function in Azure Monitor to identify when there are issues in your app
  • use the Azure Storage Client Library to encrypt and decrypt client application data
  • use the JavaScript SDK to leverage Application Insights for web app monitoring