AWS SysOps Associate 2022: AWS Networking and Content Delivery Competency (Intermediate Level)

  • 28m
  • 28 questions
The AWS Networking and Content Delivery Competency (Intermediate Level) benchmark measures your ability to use VPCs and subnets to address cloud networking needs using the AWS Console, CLI, and PowerShell. You will be evaluated on your skills in configuring VPC DHCP and DNS settings, subnetting IP addressing, creating and assigning Elastic IP addresses to provide public IP addressing, peering VPCs together, configuring a VPN, and troubleshooting VPC issues. Learners who score high on this benchmark demonstrate that they have the skills to implement networking and configure domains, DNS services, and content delivery, as well as troubleshoot network connectivity issues.

Topics covered

  • configure a centralized VPC transit gateway
  • configure a firewall for a virtual private cloud (VPC)
  • configure an elastic IP address using PowerShell
  • configure an elastic IP address using the command line interface (CLI)
  • configure an elastic IP address using the console
  • configure a network ACL using PowerShell
  • configure a network ACL using the AWS command line interface (CLI)
  • configure a network ACL using the AWS console
  • configure a security group using PowerShell
  • configure a security group using the AWS CLI
  • configure a security group using the AWS console
  • configure virtual private cloud (VPC) domain name system (DNS) options
  • configure virtual private cloud (VPC) dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) options
  • craft a network ACL strategy
  • craft a security group strategy
  • create a hosted zone and record set with simple routing policies
  • create a private DNS zone hosted on Windows Server
  • describe specific DNS traffic flow policies
  • describe the services offered through Route 53
  • disable automatic public IP address assignment
  • discuss various types of firewalls as well as DDoS protection from AWS Shield
  • enable VPC peering
  • identify how virtual private clouds (VPCs) address cloud networking needs
  • recognize when to enable VPC peering
  • register a DNS domain name using Route 53
  • use PowerShell to create a virtual private cloud (VPC)
  • use the command line interface (CLI) to create a virtual private cloud (VPC)
  • use the graphical user interface (GUI) to create a virtual private cloud (VPC)