Application Architecture Awareness (Beginner)
- 20m
- 15 questions
The Application Architecture Awareness benchmark will measure your ability to recognize key terms and concepts related to key Application Architecture concepts. You will be evaluated on software architetcure, service-orientated architecture, microservices architecture, and cloud-based application architecture. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the skills related understanding key Application Architecture terminology and concepts.
Topics covered
- describe microservices architecture
- describe software architecture and the benefits it provides
- describe the three-schema database architecture mappings and data independence provisioning
- identify common web application architecture and development techniques and the role that clients and servers play
- identify the architectural components of Mobile Apps in Azure that are involved in building robust mobile Apps
- identify various application architectural models, specifically one-tier, two-tier, three-tier, and n-tier
- list cloud application architecture specifics such as supplementary security components, cryptography, and sandboxing
- outline characteristics, benefits, and applications of serverless architecture
- outline cloud application architecture elements
- provide an overview of architectural patterns and frameworks for system development
- provide an overview of enterprise architecture governance and its purpose
- recall the RESTful API architecture
- recognize elements of the service-oriented architecture such as enterprise service bus and web services
- recognize how to assess and mitigate the vulnerabilities of containerized systems and microservices including application programming interface (API) calls
- state the uses of event-driven architecture and implement it