Android Automation with Appium Competency (Intermediate Level)

  • 20m
  • 20 questions
The Android Automation with Appium Competency (Intermediate Level) benchmark evaluates your skills in automating Android native applications using Appium. You will be assessed on your knowledge of gestures, key events, drag and drop, script optimization, troubleshooting, and transitioning between apps and web browsers. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have skills in conducting Android automation using Appium and can implement advanced techniques.

Topics covered

  • apply different locators using Appium scripts
  • apply the knowledge of drag and drop in Appium for various automation scenarios within Android applications
  • automate hybrid apps using Appium, including scrolling through product lists
  • automate miscellaneous activities such as orientation handling and key events in Android Apps using Appium
  • automate swipe functionality using Appium on different elements within Android apps
  • develop proficiency in scrolling through web content during mobile browser automation with Appium
  • discuss switching context and automate hybrid apps using Chrome Driver, ensuring a smooth transition
  • extract text and enter information on various elements within Android apps
  • handle diverse mobile pop-ups commonly encountered in Android apps
  • identify, troubleshoot, and resolve common issues related to locators, pop-ups, and element interactions in Android apps with Appium
  • implement best practices for element identification and interaction in Android native apps
  • implement, script, and automate a long press on an image to show options like save or share
  • master the art of putting assertions on browser tests, ensuring accuracy and reliability
  • optimize automation scripts by incorporating best practices learned in advanced techniques and miscellaneous topics in Appium
  • optimize gesture automation scripts for Android apps for performance and reliability
  • outline how to optimize automation scripts for hybrid apps and mobile browsers using best practices and efficient coding techniques
  • provide an overview of the principles of Appium mobile gestures, including their types and functionalities
  • troubleshoot advanced automation issues that may arise in Android Apps using Appium
  • use automation scenarios in Appium to automate a login scenario in a social networking app, handle gestures and swipes in an eCommerce app, and handle permissions and popups in a ride-sharing app
  • write a script to implement scroll gestures effectively using Appium on Android apps