Teradata: beginner Teradata 14

  • 16 Courses | 15h 6m 13s
  • 4 Books | 14h 5m
Rating 5.0 of 1 users Rating 5.0 of 1 users (1)
Whether it's Big Data, data warehousing or analysis, Teradata provides solutions for businesses. Come explore its technologies.


Introducing SELECT Statement Queries

  • 8m 11s
  • 5m 40s


Introducing SELECT Statement Queries
Teradata supports the use of ANSI SQL to query data housed in a database system, and with ANSI SQL, it supports Teradata extensions. Discover how to use the SELECT statement to perform queries.
4 videos | 30m has Assessment available Badge
Working with Clauses, Operators, Expressions, & Aggregates
Learn how to work with clauses, operators, expressions, and aggregates in Teradata using ANSI SQL and Teradata extensions.
8 videos | 1h 1m available Badge
Performing Joins
Introduce yourself to joins in Teradata! Discover how to use ANSI SQL and Teradata extensions to perform a number of different joins, including inner, outer, self, and cross joins.
7 videos | 53m available Badge
Performing Subqueries & Correlated Subqueries
A subquery is simply a query contained within another query. Discover how to use ANSI SQL and Teradata extensions to perform subqueries and correlated subqueries in Teradata.
7 videos | 49m available Badge
Working with Functions, Times, Dates, & Intervals
Teradata supports the use of functions, expressions, and operators to perform operations on data. Explore attribute, string, and analytical functions, as well as times, dates, and intervals in Teradata.
14 videos | 1h 31m available Badge
Working with Data Conversions & SET Operations
You can use functions, expressions, and operators to perform operations on data in Teradata. Learn how to perform data conversions and computations, and use SET operators.
12 videos | 1h 2m available Badge
Working with Data Definition Language (DDL)
Teradata supports the use of SQLs data definition language (DDL) to create, modify, and remove objects in a database. Work with DDL to create and alter databases, tables, indexes, triggers, and more.
12 videos | 1h 31m available Badge
Working with DML, Optimization, & Temporal Concepts
Teradata supports the use of SQLs data manipulation language (DML) to retrieve, insert, update, and delete data in a database. Explore DDL and DML operations in a database or temporal tables.
15 videos | 1h 11m available Badge
Relational Database & Data Warehouse Basics
Teradata provides a relational database system that offers various tools and utilities for management, administration, and querying. Explore the basics of Teradata including what a data warehouse is along with its architecture and design.
14 videos | 1h 8m has Assessment available Badge
Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)
Teradata offers a high quality system using a parallel database architecture providing a "share nothing" architecture. Explore a relational database system and the hardware and software used by Teradata for the database architecture.
9 videos | 34m has Assessment available Badge
Client Communication
As with any RDBMS the database needs to be secure and accessible. Teradata is no exception and requires workstation and mainframe access. Explore the workstation and mainframe attachment communication methods.
5 videos | 22m has Assessment available Badge
Communication & Database Security
As with any RDBMS, the database needs to be secured to ensure only authorized users can access it. Discover workstation and mainframe attachment communication methods and how to configure users, profiles, and roles.
12 videos | 1h 9m has Assessment available Badge
Authentication & Security
As with any RDBMS, the database needs to be secured to ensure only authorized users can access it. Discover how to configure security, including logging on, views, macros, and UDFs.
8 videos | 41m has Assessment available Badge
Primary & Partitioned Indexes
Teradata databases use indexes to store and access rows of data from tables. Discover how to create the various primary and partitioned indexes used by Teradata.
8 videos | 53m has Assessment available Badge
Secondary & Join Indexes
Teradata offers various types of indexes which can be used based on the type of data and how it is accessed by the users. Discover how to create the secondary and join indexes used by Teradata.
9 videos | 47m has Assessment available Badge
Locking & Data Protection
To control concurrency, Teradata uses different locking mechanisms. Discover the different locking mechanisms and performance availability features, such as RAID, failover, cliques, and hot standby.
11 videos | 57m has Assessment available Badge


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V14 Certification: Teradata SQL
Designed to boost both your confidence and knowledge, this book will not only help you pass the V14 certification exam, but is also an incredible reference guide, learning tool, and foundation for passing all tests required for becoming a Teradata Certified Master.
book Duration 4h 21m book Authors By Leona Coffing, Tom Coffing


V14 Certification: Teradata Basics
With an aim to boost your level of confidence and knowledge, this book provides an incredible reference guide, learning tool, and foundation for passing all the tests and becoming a Teradata Certified Master.
book Duration 3h 9m book Authors By John Nolan, Tom Coffing


Teradata SQL Quick Reference Guide: Simplicity by Design, Second Edition
Asking the right questions is half the battle to greatly impacting the company's bottom line. Dedicated to assisting users in asking the right questions, this concise reference details the commands, syntax, hints, troubleshooting, and examples of SQL.
book Duration 2h 7m book Authors By Michael Larkins, Steve Wilmes, Tom Coffing


Teradata SQL
With a step-by-step building block approach, this book starts at the most basic level, then moves to the most advanced level with over 1,000 examples that work and explain exactly what is going on.
book Duration 4h 28m book Authors By Mike Larkins, Tom Coffing


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Rating 4.6 of 23 users Rating 4.6 of 23 users (23)