Skills Builder - Aiming High
- 31 Books | 4h 10m
Working effectively
This track is about working effectively, knowing when something is too difficult, and having a sense of what doing well looks like for you, as well as having a positive approach to new challenges.
- 9 Books | 1h 20m
Setting goals
This track focuses on setting goals for yourself informed by an understanding of what is needed, and then being able to order and prioritise tasks, secure resources and involve others effectively.
- 4 Books | 31m
Creating plans
This track is about creating plans informed by your skill set, with clear targets and building on external views.
- 10 Books | 1h 20m
Developing long term strategies
This track explores developing long-term strategies. These are informed by an assessment of internal and external factors, structured through regular milestones and feedback loops.
- 8 Books | 59m
Skillsoft is providing you the opportunity to earn a digital badge upon successful completion on some of our courses, which can be shared on any social network or business platform.
Digital badges are yours to keep, forever.BOOKS INCLUDED
Accountable Leaders: Inspire a Culture where Everyone Steps Up, Takes Ownership, and Delivers ResultsBOOK SUMMARY
The Motive: Why so Many Leaders Abdicate Their Most Important ResponsibilitiesBOOK SUMMARY
Propeller: Accelerating Change by Getting Accountability RightBOOK SUMMARY
No More Excuses: The Five Accountabilities for Personal and Organizational GrowthBOOK SUMMARY
The Dichotomy of Leadership: Balancing the Challenges of Extreme Ownership to Lead and WinBOOK SUMMARY
Crucial Accountability: Tools for Resolving Violated Expectations, Broken Commitments, and Bad Behavior, Second EditionBOOK SUMMARY
Stepping Up: How Taking Responsibility Changes EverythingBOOK SUMMARY
Accountability: The Key to Driving a High-Performance CultureBOOKS INCLUDED
Goals! How To Get Everything You Want-Faster Than You Ever Thought PossibleBOOK SUMMARY
Unstoppable: Using the Power of Focus to Take Action and Achieve Your GoalsBOOK SUMMARY
Goal Setting: How to Create an Action Plan and Achieve Your GoalsBOOK SUMMARY
The 4 Disciplines of Execution: Achieving Your Wildly Important GoalsBOOKS INCLUDED
The Metronome Effect: The Journey To Predictable ProfitBOOK SUMMARY
Key Performance Indicators: Developing, Implementing, and Using Winning KPIs, Third EditionBOOK SUMMARY
One Second Ahead: Enhance Your Performance at Work with MindfulnessBOOK SUMMARY
Trust Factor: The Science of Creating High-Performance CompaniesBOOK SUMMARY
Armstrong on Reinventing Performance Management: Building a Culture of Continuous ImprovementBOOK SUMMARY
Responsible Managers Get Results: How the Best Find Solutions, Not ExcusesBOOK SUMMARY
Know-How: The 8 Skills That Separate People Who Perform From Those Who Don'tBOOK SUMMARY
Beyond Performance: How Great Organizations Build Ultimate Competitive AdvantageBOOK SUMMARY
The Power of Professionalism: The Seven Mind-Sets That Drive Performance and Build TrustBOOK SUMMARY
Accountability: The Key to Driving a High-Performance CultureBOOKS INCLUDED
The Four Intelligences of the Business Mind: How to Rewire Your Brain and Your Business for SuccessBOOK SUMMARY
Elite Minds: How Winners Think Differently to Create a Competitive Edge and Maximize SuccessBOOK SUMMARY
Armstrong on Reinventing Performance Management: Building a Culture of Continuous ImprovementBOOK SUMMARY
Thirteeners: Why Only 13 Percent of Companies Execute Their Strategy - and How Yours Can Be One of ThemBOOK SUMMARY
Results That Last: Hardwiring Behaviors That Will Take Your Company to the TopBOOK SUMMARY
The Power of Professionalism: The Seven Mind-Sets That Drive Performance and Build TrustBOOK SUMMARY
Accountability: The Key to Driving a High-Performance CultureBOOK SUMMARY
Action Coaching: How To Leverage Individual Performance For Company Success