Lean Into Learning
2020 Annual Learning Report

SS Annual Learning Report vo11

Everything changed in 2020. The year brought a worldwide health crisis, an uncertain global economy, and a widespread call for social reform. Businesses around the globe, across every industry, faced unparalleled change and disruption.

Power skills — such as agility, communication, resiliency, and adaptability — became essential, as everyone adjusted to a new “normal” that was anything but.

As we look toward 2021 and beyond, work has irrevocably changed.

The Lean into Learning report was designed to help leaders and organizations gain a deeper understanding of how the confluence of these circumstances will affect the workforce for years to come.

Download the report for full insights illustrating long-overdue social, cultural, and organizational change, and the critical role of learning in building a future-fit, resilient workforce.

Learners Shifted Course After Covid-19 Surged

As the workforce transitioned to operating remotely, widespread training was needed to help workers build the skills and learn the technologies needed to go virtual. Learning how to collaborate remotely, improve communication and interpersonal skills, and manage stress became paramount, as demonstrated by massive spikes in course completions on these topics which provide insight into organizational needs.


Growth in Microsoft Teams: Communicating via the App


Growth in Developing Emotional Intelligence


Growth in Exploring Virtual Collaboration


Growth in Encouraging Team Communication and Collaboration


Growth in The Art of Staying Focused


Growth in Trust Building Through Effective Communication

The Upside of the New Normal

Around the world, employers and employees adjusted to lockdowns and stay-at-home orders out of concern for their families, friends, and communities. But, what may have been a struggle at first soon became an accepted way of conducting business. Many workers came to value the upside of remote work and the new normal.



80% of workers want at least one practice or policy adopted permanently.

  • Working from home 54%
  • Flexibility in working hours 52%
  • Attention to physical and mental well-being 49%


Great Britain

80% of workers want at least one practice or policy adopted permanently.

  • Flexibility in working hours 59%
  • Attention to physical and mental well-being 54%
  • Working from home 53%



83% of workers want at least one practice or policy adopted permanently.

  • Increased family time 44%
  • Flexibility in working hours 43%
  • Attention to physical and mental well-being 43%



72% of workers want at least one practice or policy adopted permanently.

  • Working from home 46%
  • Flexibility in working hours 44%
  • Increased family time 38%



94% of workers want at least one practice or policy adopted permanently.

  • Working from home 77%
  • Increased family time 60%
  • Flexibility in working hours 57%



94% of workers want at least one practice or policy adopted permanently.

  • Flexibility in working hours 60%
  • Working from home 55%
  • Increased family time 55%



90% of workers want at least one practice or policy adopted permanently.

  • Working from home 68%
  • Flexibility in working hours 61%
  • Attention to physical and mental well-being 49%



81% of workers want at least one practice or policy adopted permanently.

  • Flexibility in working hours 55%
  • Attention to physical and mental well-being 49%
  • Working from home 48%

A Call for Social Justice

Following the tragic murder of George Floyd and monumental cultural awakening that followed, there’s been immense focus — at both the individual and corporate levels — on how to be a better ally and use privilege to support diversity in the workplace. Learners responded with exponential increases in consumption of content related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.


Growth in Inclusion and Understanding Unconscious Bias Training (May-June)

"It's not about telling people what to say or not to say. We start with where you are and build forward based on your unflitered worldview."

La'Wana Harris DEI Executive Coach and Author


Growth in Diversity: Its Value in The Workplace (March-June)