How One Multinational Manufacturing Company Was Able to “Gro” a Better Workplace Safety Program
Hint: It’s Not a Miracle, It’s a Mindset

Over the past 150 years, The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company has evolved from a small general store to North America’s trusted leader in lawn, garden, and hydroponic products. With that trust comes responsibility — and relentless dedication to safety, not only for their customers and consumers, but for employees across the globe.
When COVID-19 upended life as we knew it and encouraged people to stay close to home, many turned to gardening. The result? An extraordinary demand for Scotts® and Miracle-Gro® products. This presented a challenge:
How could Scotts Miracle-Gro continue to meet consumer demand, while keeping 7,600 global associates across 70 locations safe, supported, and up-to-date on compliance?
In other words, in trying times, how do you maximize profits while minimizing losses?
This is not an issue unique to Scotts Miracle-Gro. Organizations across the globe have had to quickly pivot from in-person training to web-based compliance programs seemingly overnight. And, for companies with associates across the globe, differing standards and language barriers made the challenge even greater.