Your DevOps Journey: Amplifying Feedback

DevOps    |    Beginner
  • 19 videos | 1h 8m 16s
  • Includes Assessment
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Rating 4.5 of 47 users Rating 4.5 of 47 users (47)
Feedback often gets overlooked in lieu of the pace at which business moves, but organizations ignore the importance of feedback at their own peril. In this course, you'll learn how DevOps thrives by amplifying feedback, beginning with the principles and practices of amplifying feedback and the importance of identifying problems as they occur. Then you'll discover the importance of pushing quality closer to the source, optimizing for downstream workflow, telemetry metrics, monitoring, and alerting, telemetry from an architectural standpoint, and levels of telemetry architecture. Finally, you'll explore the role played by alerting in automation, system monitoring tools and their uses, log aggregation tools, DevOps metrics, how telemetry can be used to anticipate problems, hypothesis-driven deployment, and A/B testing and how it relates to hypothesis-driven development. This course was originally created by Global Knowledge (GK).


  • Describe the principles and practices of amplifying feedback
    Discuss the scenario where the microsoft vso team had to find a way to make and release necessary changes to address instability
    Describe how the microsoft vso addressing instability scenario is an example of how to establish mechanisms that can help to identify problems as they occur
    Identify problems as they occur
    Identify the importance of pushing quality closer to the source
    Describe the importance of optimizing for downstream workflow
    Define telemetry metrics, monitoring, and alerting
    Discuss telemetry from an architectural standpoint
    Describe the levels of telemetry architecture in order to think in terms of the types of information that you are capturing
    Discuss the role played by alerting in automation
  • Describe various system monitoring tools and their uses
    Discuss the role played by log aggregation tools
    Describe common devops metrics
    Discuss how telemetry can be used to anticipate problems
    Describe how telemetry information can help to understand whether problems occur during deployment
    Discuss how hypothesis-driven deployment can be leveraged to guide development
    Describe the microsoft vso hypothesis-driven deployment scenario
    Discuss takeaways from the microsoft vso hypothesis-driven development scenario
    Describe a/b testing and how it relates to hypothesis-driven development


  • 3m 9s
  • 51s
  • Locked
    3.  MS VSO Addressing Instability Debrief
    1m 5s
  • Locked
    4.  Identifying Problems as they Occur
    2m 30s
  • Locked
    5.  Pushing Quality Closer to the Source
    3m 53s
  • Locked
    6.  Optimizing for Downstream Workflow
    2m 57s
  • Locked
    7.  Telemetry: Metrics, Monitoring, Alerting
    8m 9s
  • Locked
    8.  Telemetry Architecture Layers
    3m 31s
  • Locked
    9.  Telemetry Architecture Levels
    5m 51s
  • Locked
    10.  Create Alerts
    5m 15s
  • Locked
    11.  System Monitoring Tools - Introduction
    1m 35s
  • Locked
    12.  The Role of Log Aggregation Tools
    5m 31s
  • Locked
    13.  Common DevOps Metrics
    6m 18s
  • Locked
    14.  Using Telemetry To Anticipate Problems
    5m 40s
  • Locked
    15.  Feedback For Safe Deployment of Code
    6m 54s
  • Locked
    16.  Hypothesis-Driven Development
    2m 46s
  • Locked
    17.  MS VSO Hypothesis-Driven Development Case Study
  • Locked
    18.  MS VSO Hypothesis-Driven Development Debrief
  • Locked
    19.  A/B Testing
    1m 20s


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Rating 4.6 of 59 users Rating 4.6 of 59 users (59)