Wireless Technologies and Smart Cities
- 18 videos | 2h 1m 13s
- Includes Assessment
Learn about emerging wireless technologies that you can use for the Internet of Things. Then find out how to look at a city as a cyber-physical system
Understand indoor localizationKnow how to apply the algorithm from the previous video to rfidUnderstand smart homesKnow more about smart homesUnderstand how the technology works for smart healthUnderstand how the sensors work with a moving person vs. a static personUnderstand what the professor means by looking at a city as a cyber-physical systemUnderstand what big data isUnderstand opportunistic data
Understand user-generated dataUnderstand the data gathered from deploying sensorsUnderstand how to combine all of this data from different sourcesUnderstand how to use this information in order to transform a cityDescribe how this knowledge about cities could be applied to buildingsUnderstand where iot can go from hereDescribe the predictions for the future givenUnderstand how to implement lessons learned in your lifeUnderstand how to implement these lessons on a product basis
8m 3sLearn about indoor localization FREE ACCESS
5m 31sLearn how to apply the algorithm from the previous video to RFID FREE ACCESS
10m 25sLearn more about smart homes works FREE ACCESS
7m 1sContinue your deep dive into smart homes FREE ACCESS
7m 18sLearn how this same technology can be used for smart health FREE ACCESS
7m 31sLearn how the sensors work with a moving person vs. a static person FREE ACCESS
2m 57sFind out what a Cyber-Physical System is FREE ACCESS
2mLearn about all the data a city gathers FREE ACCESS
10m 1sLearn about opportunistic data and its uses FREE ACCESS
4m 47sLearn about user-generated data and its uses FREE ACCESS
8m 4sLearn about how we can deploy sensors to gather data FREE ACCESS
3m 12sFind out how to combine all of this data to learn something from it FREE ACCESS
9m 12sLearn how to use the information learned to transform the system FREE ACCESS
11m 27sLearn how the knowledge gained in this course could be applied to buildings instead of cities FREE ACCESS
6m 30sWrap the topics learned so far and look to the future FREE ACCESS
6m 2sContinue you our look into the future of IoT FREE ACCESS
7m 36sLearn how to implement the information learned in your work FREE ACCESS
3m 36sLearn more about how to implement these lessons on products FREE ACCESS
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