Using Formula Tools in Excel iPad

Excel iPad    |    Beginner
  • 17 videos | 1h 13m 13s
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A major benefit of a spreadsheet is the ability to perform calculations on its data. Discover how to use Excel for iPad's Function Library, and work with formulas to count cells, perform rounding and ranking, and locate duplicates.


  • Use the function library in excel for ipad
    Perform simple calculations in excel for ipad
    Choose between absolute and relative cell references
    Use data from multiple worksheets in a formula
    Use automated formulas in a table
    Create automated cumulative totals in excel for ipad
    Perform calculations using constants in excel for ipad
    Insert conditional sum formulas in excel for ipad
    Count cells in a range in excel for ipad
  • Factorize the results of a division in excel for ipad
    Rank values in excel for ipad
    Round numbers in excel for ipad
    Find duplicates in spreadsheets in excel for ipad
    Retrieve information with dates in excel for ipad
    Inset data automatically in excel for ipad
    Find and replace data in excel for ipad
    Understand formula error messages in excel for ipad


  • 4m 45s
    Excel for iPad's Function Library can help you to locate and insert the formulas you need. These formulas are grouped according to category. Once you have selected the formula you wish to use, Excel for iPad can guide you through the arguments that you need to specify. FREE ACCESS
  • 4m 26s
    The cells in your Excel for iPad worksheet can be thought of as little calculator spaces. You can use these individual cells to perform simple and complex calculations. Once you have inserted a calculation, any data updates that you make will, by default, be included in any dependent calculations. FREE ACCESS
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    3.  Choosing between absolute & relative cell references in Excel iPad
    5m 52s
    Moving or automating a formula in Excel for iPad will automatically adjust the cell references that it contains. Any references to cells, columns and rows contained in these formulas are known as relative cell references. If you want to avoid any adjustments being made to your formula's cell references, you will need to learn how to use the dollar sign ($). FREE ACCESS
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    4.  Using data from multiple worksheets in a formula in Excel iPad
    3m 14s
    When storing and using data on several different worksheets in your Excel for iPad document, it is important to know how to reference them correctly in your formulas. FREE ACCESS
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    5.  Using automated formulas in a table in Excel iPad
    3m 58s
    If you are going to be applying your formulas to a large number of data entries in your worksheet, it is important to know how to use the Fill Down function. When a formula is copied and pasted into a new cell in Excel for iPad, it will - by default - be automatically adjusted to fit its new location. You can however change the way in which these adjustments are applied. FREE ACCESS
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    6.  Creating automated cumulative totals in Excel iPad
    If you have organized your data entries into chronological order, a cumulative total can very quickly be created. In Excel for iPad, you can create the calculation once and then apply it automatically to the rest of your data entries, thereby saving yourself a lot of time and effort. FREE ACCESS
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    7.  Performing calculations using constants in Excel iPad
    You will often use constant data values when working on your Excel for iPad table. If one of your formulas is using a fixed value, then you may find it useful to use the value's cell reference, rather than the value itself. Using the data value in this way can ensure that if you have to make any changes to your fixed value, you only need to change the reference cell, and not every formulas that uses that value. This can save you a lot of time in the long run. FREE ACCESS
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    8.  Inserting a conditional sum formula in Excel iPad
    5m 2s
    In Excel for iPad, you can use the SUMIF and SUMIFS formulas to perform a sum calculation on certain data values in your range. All you need to know is how to specify the conditions that your qualifying data values have to meet. These tools can be very useful when creating subtotals in Excel for iPad. FREE ACCESS
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    9.  Counting cells in a range in Excel iPad
    2m 55s
    The COUNTA formula will return the number of non-empty cells in a data range. You can go further by using the COUNTIF in order to add criteria to your formulas. FREE ACCESS
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    10.  Factorizing the results of a division in Excel iPad
    2m 38s
    If you want to perform a division in Excel for iPad, and you want to obtain a whole number answer, you are going to need to use the QUOTIENT formula. You can also visualize the remainder of the equation by using the MOD formula. FREE ACCESS
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    11.  Ranking a value in Excel iPad
    4m 17s
    Excel for iPad's RANK function is extremely useful if you want to find out where a particular value places in a list of data entries. You can also visualize the smallest and largest values in a list by using the SMALL and LARGE formulas. FREE ACCESS
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    12.  Rounding a number in Excel iPad
    4m 30s
    In Excel for iPad, there are many different formulas that you can use to round up or down your data values. Which one you choose will depend on how you want to perform the calculation. You can, for example, round a value up to the nearest hundred or nearest odd number. You can even round a value with too many decimal places up to the nearest hundredth. FREE ACCESS
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    13.  Finding duplicates in your spreadsheet in Excel iPad
    4m 2s
    Using the IF function checks to see if a condition you've created is true of false. You can use the function to see if your data range contains duplicate entries. After applying the function to identify the duplicates, you can easily locate these entries and then delete them from your worksheet. FREE ACCESS
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    14.  Retrieving information with dates in Excel iPad
    3m 39s
    Excel for iPad features a number of different date formulas that can be used to return precise information relating to a particular month, day or year. You can use these formulas - which include MONTH, DAY, YEAR, and WEEKNUM - to extract date information from an existing date entry. FREE ACCESS
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    15.  Inserting data automatically in Excel iPad
    4m 3s
    The VLOOKUP formula can be used to fill in your data cells automatically. Once you have inserted your reference data into Excel for iPad, you can use the VLOOKUP tool to automatically cross reference the data range and extract the required information. For all your horizontal lists, you can use the HLOOKUP tool. FREE ACCESS
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    16.  Finding & replacing formulas in Excel iPad
    3m 13s
    In Excel for iPad, you can find and replace contextual data, but you can also use the find and replace feature in order to modify formulas. Once you locate and replace a function, the corresponding formulas will be updated and the value in the cell will also be modified. FREE ACCESS
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    17.  Understanding formula errors in Excel iPad
    4m 40s
    Excel for iPad features a wide range of formula error messages. If you want to fix these problems, you are going to need to know how to identify what each message represents and how the error was produced. FREE ACCESS


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