Selenium Deep Dive: Security Test Automation

Selenium    |    Intermediate
  • 13 videos | 1h 23s
  • Includes Assessment
  • Earns a Badge
Rating 4.5 of 96 users Rating 4.5 of 96 users (96)
The skills and knowledge needed to become a Selenium expert include using Selenium WebDriver to work with security mechanisms, such as controlling user access, securing user input, and preventing attacks, and recognizing how these mechanisms impact test automation. In this course, you'll explore the security mechanisms implemented in applications and their impact on test automation. You'll learn how to handle security certificates in Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer while automating tests with Selenium. Next, you'll learn how to use Selenium WebDriver to add and delete cookies, execute tests in parallel, and handle stale element exceptions. Finally, you'll illustrate how to call cookies, parse results, and return the values of cookies with specific names using Selenium WebDriver.


  • Discover the key concepts covered in this course
    Outline the security mechanisms implemented in applications and their impact on test automation
    Demonstrate the process of handling untrusted ssl certificates in firefox while automating tests with selenium
    Show the process of handling security certificates in chrome while automating tests with selenium webdriver
    Manage security certificates in internet explorer while implementing test automation with selenium
    Perform parallel execution of tests using testng and selenium
    Illustrate how to handle a stale element exception error using selenium webdriver
  • Add cookies while automating test executions using webdriver
    Demonstrate the process of deleting cookies from a browser while automating tests with webdriver
    Delete named cookies from the current domain while automating test executions using selenium
    Call document cookie and parse results using selenium webdriver
    Return the values of a cookie with a specific name and return null if no cookie is found with the given name
    Summarize the key concepts covered in this course


  • 1m 6s
  • 9m 17s
    During this video, you will learn how to outline the security mechanisms implemented in applications and their impact on test automation. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    3.  Untrusted SSL Certificates in Firefox
    5m 6s
    In this video, find out how to apply the process of handling untrusted SSL certificates in Firefox while automating tests with Selenium. FREE ACCESS
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    4.  Security Certificates in Chrome
    4m 48s
    In this video, you will show the process of handling security certificates in Chrome while automating tests with Selenium WebDriver. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    5.  SSL Certificates in Internet Explorer
    5m 31s
    During this video, you will learn how to manage security certificates in Internet Explorer while implementing test automation with Selenium. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    6.  Parallel Testing
    7m 14s
    In this video, find out how to perform parallel execution of tests using TestNG and Selenium. FREE ACCESS
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    7.  The Stale Element Exception
    6m 23s
    Upon completion of this video, you will be able to illustrate how to handle a "stale element exception" error using Selenium WebDriver. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    8.  Adding Cookies
    3m 22s
    During this video, you will learn how to add cookies while automating test executions using WebDriver. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    9.  Deleting Cookies
    4m 19s
    In this video, find out how to apply the process of deleting cookies from a browser while automating tests with WebDriver. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    10.  Deleting Cookies With a Name
    4m 27s
    In this video, learn how to delete named cookies from the current domain while automating test executions using Selenium. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    11.  Calling and Parsing Cookies
    3m 45s
    In this video, find out how to call document.cookie and parse results using Selenium WebDriver. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    12.  Retrieving Cookies With a Specific Name
    3m 59s
    In this video, find out how to return the values of a cookie with a specific name and return null if no cookie is found with the given name. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    13.  Course Summary
    1m 5s
    In this video, we will summarize the key concepts covered in this course. FREE ACCESS


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Rating 4.5 of 89 users Rating 4.5 of 89 users (89)