Portability in the Cloud: Managing Cloud Portability & Interoperability

Serverless    |    Intermediate
  • 16 videos | 1h 28m 19s
  • Includes Assessment
  • Earns a Badge
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Cloud portability allows developers to transfer data, applications, and services from one cloud service to another with ease. Take this course to explore the features, principles, and benefits of data and application portability in the cloud. Over the length of this course, you'll delve into various elements of cloud computing portability: software development lifecycle, the role of specification in maximizing portability, application design considerations for interoperable software applications, the OpenAPI specification, containerization, and essential characteristics of Docker and Kubernetes that enable application portability. You'll also outline how to work with Application programming Interfaces (APIs) in Swagger and configure a development environment in Google Cloud Platform (GCP). After completing this course, you'll be able to identify key components of data and code portability in the cloud and how cloud portability allows re-usability and interoperability.


  • Discover the key concepts covered in this course
    Define portability and list challenges and elements to be considered when designing and developing a portable software
    Recognize key principles and classes of strategies that help achieve greater portability in software and service units
    Outline the development lifecycle and role of specification in maximizing portability
    Describe the elements and categories of cloud computing portability and interoperability
    Identify application design principles for designing interoperable software applications that can be integrated with other products
    Recognize the principles of open platform and key components that are required to provide a basic open platform configuration
    Describe the openapi specification and features of prominent tools that work with openapi
  • Demonstrate how to install swagger and design api using the swagger editor
    Generate server and client code based on api definitions using swaggerhub
    Create and fork api using swaggerhub
    Configure a development environment in gcp and create, configure, and deploy api to the gateway
    Create an http api using the aws management console and demonstrate the steps to control and manage access to the http api in api gateway using the access control iam authorizer
    Recall the concept of containerization and components of a typical containerization platform that provides portability
    Identify the essential characteristics of docker and kubernetes that allow application portability in the cloud
    Summarize the key concepts covered in this course


  • 2m 21s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about this course and the instructor. You’ll learn the concept of portability and the key elements required to design and develop portable software, the key principles, and classes of strategies for achieving greater software portability, the development lifecycle, guidelines, and the role of specification to maximize portability. You’ll also explore the concept and categories of cloud computing portability and interoperability and application design principles for designing interoperable software applications. FREE ACCESS
  • 7m 8s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about the concept of portability and the key elements that need to be considered to design and develop portable software. You’ll learn that in software development, portability measures how easily an application or module can be transferred from one environment or platform to another. A software application is portable to a new environment if the effort required to adapt it to is less than redeveloping the application from scratch. FREE ACCESS
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    3.  Portability Principles and Classes of Strategies
    7m 49s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about the key principles and classes of strategies that can help achieve greater portability in software and service units. In cloud services, portability guarantees service components have a common method of interactions with underlying platform services. Portability ensures service components always work in the same way, regardless of the platforms where they’re utilized. FREE ACCESS
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    4.  Development Lifecycle and Specification
    8m 5s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about the software development lifecycle and go through the guidelines of development and software specification to maximize portability. You’ll learn the lifecycle of managing software specifications with the focus on various roles involved in defining, standardizing and regulating the specifications. You’ll look at how different stakeholders of a software service engage to derive regulated and standardized specifications for portable APIs. FREE ACCESS
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    5.  Cloud Computing Interoperability and Portability
    5m 8s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about the software development lifecycle. You’ll also learn the guidelines of development and software specifications that maximize portability. To better understand the concept of cloud portability and interoperability, you’ll compare them and identify the categories of their implementations. You’ll discover interoperability is the measure of the degree to which diverse systems or components work together successfully. FREE ACCESS
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    6.  Design Principles for Interoperability
    5m 15s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about the application design principles for designing interoperable software applications that can be integrated with other products. You’ll learn interoperability isn’t an inherent quality of software applications, but most software systems work alongside other systems and are required to be integrated with other systems. Some of the design principles that help achieve interoperability include loose coupling, service orientation, stable interfaces, described interfaces, representational state transfer, and BASE transactions. FREE ACCESS
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    7.  Characteristics and Principles of Open Platform
    7m 21s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about the characteristics of an open platform and the key components required to provide a basic open platform configuration. You’ll learn an open platform is a platform based on open standards that allows the use of the software in other ways than the original developer intended without requiring modification of the source code. Any third party can integrate with the platform to add functionality without any restriction. FREE ACCESS
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    8.  OpenAPI Specification and Tool Categories
    4m 53s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about the role of an OpenAPI Specification in promoting portability and explore some of the prominent tools that work with OpenAPI. Writing APIs with different specifications adversely impacts portability. To overcome this problem, the OpenAPI Specification defines a standard language-agnostic interface for APIs, which allows client applications to discover and understand the capabilities of the service even without accessing its source code or documentation. FREE ACCESS
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    9.  Installing and Designing API using Swagger
    4m 8s
    In this video, you’ll learn how to install Swagger and its modules to design API using the Swagger Editor. You’ll learn OpenAPI Specification was formerly known as Swagger specification. It’s been adopted as a standard for defining restful interfaces. The first module you’ll need to have is the HTTP module, which can be of diversified types. You can use Tomcat as it provides HTTP server capabilities. FREE ACCESS
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    10.  Generating Server and Client Code with Swaggerhub
    3m 1s
    In this video, you’ll watch a demo. You’ll learn how to generate server and client code based on API definitions to get API for servers and clients using SwaggerHub. As a developer, it is important to write collaborative code because multiple developers will work on different pieces of code. Swagger provides you with the capability to adopt open specifications for writing APIs. It also helps generate server and client code based on API definitions. FREE ACCESS
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    11.  Creating and Forking API Using Swaggerhub
    5m 52s
    In this video, you’ll watch a demo. You’ll learn how to create and fork API using SwaggerHub. You’ll log into your SwaggerHub. On the landing page, on the left panel, you’ll see the option to Create New APIs, MY hub, which will hold all the APIs you’ve created, and an option to Search from the list of APIs publicly available, and an organization hub. First, you’ll click on Create New. FREE ACCESS
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    12.  Configuring Development Environment in GCP
    4m 28s
    In this video, you’ll watch a demo. You’ll learn how to configure a development environment in GCP, and create, configure, and deploy API to the gateway. You’ll launch Google Cloud Platform and head to My Project 55026. In the Search products and resources text field, type API Gateway. Then, you’ll select the first resulting option that is API Gateway. Now, you’ll be in the APIs landing page where you can see a few APIs. FREE ACCESS
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    13.  Creating API Using AWS Management Console
    5m 46s
    In this video, you’ll watch a demo. You’ll learn how to create an HTTP API using the AWS Management Console. Then, you’ll learn the steps to control and manage access to the HTTP API in API gateway, using the access control IAM authorizer. You’ll launch AWS Console, which you can access using the address console.aws.amazon.com. In the search text field, you’ll write api and select the first resulting option, which is API Gateway. FREE ACCESS
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    14.  Components and Advantages of Containerization
    6m 38s
    In this video, you’ll learn about the concept of containerization and the components of a typical containerization platform that provides portability. You’ll learn containerization is a form of operating system virtualization through which applications are run in isolated user spaces using the same shared operating system. The isolated user space is referred to as a container. A distinctive feature of containerization is that it happens at the OS level with all containers sharing one kernel. FREE ACCESS
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    15.  Docker and Kubernetes for Portability
    8m 8s
    In this video, you’ll learn about the essential characteristics of Docker and Kubernetes that make them suitable for application portability in the cloud. Docker is an open platform for developing, shipping, and running application containers on a common operating system. You’ll learn the features of Docker that make it a go-to tool when portability is a priority in your software application. FREE ACCESS
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    16.  Course Summary
    2m 19s
    In this video, you’ll summarize what you’ve learned in this course. In this course, you’ve learned the concept of portability, cloud computing portability, and interoperability. You also learned the role of specification to maximize portability, the OpenAPI specification, how to work with Swagger to generate server and client code, and create and fork API, create, configure, and deploy API to GCP gateway, create a HTTP API, and manage access to HTTP APIs in API Gateway. FREE ACCESS


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