Performing data calculations using formulas in Excel 365

Excel    |    Beginner
  • 10 videos | 31m 23s
  • Includes Assessment
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The power of Excel 365 lies in the support given when using formulas with your data, which automatically update when the underlying data changes to ensure your calculations are always up to date. In this course, you will observe how to perform simple and more advanced calculations with formulas, including the use of built-in formulas such as SUM and COUNT, as well as working with formulas that include IFS, SWITCH, MAXIFS, MINIFS, COUNTA, OFFSET, COUNTIFS, MOD, QUOTIENT, and AVERAGEIFS. You will start by discovering how to perform simple calculations within an individual cell; then explore how to use formulas to create automated cumulative totals in a table and insert subtotals. Following this, you will learn how to use different formulas to count cells in a range. Learn how to perform logical operations such as IFS and SWITCH, MAXIFS, and MINIFS, and keep your data up to date with COUNTA and OFFSET formulas. Finally, you will explore how to configure default formula options, find data with multiple conditions, factorize the results of a division, and calculate average values under different criteria. In order to practice what you have learned, you will find practice exercises and samples in the Course Contents pane or in the Resources section.


  • Discover the key concepts covered in this microsoft 365: performing data calculations using formulas in excel 365 course
    Perform simple calculations in excel 365
    Create automated running totals in excel 365
    Count cells in a range in excel 365
    Use the ifs and switch functions in excel 365
  • Use the maxifs and minifs functions in excel 365
    Use the offset function in excel 365
    Configure default formula options in excel 365
    Calculate averages with different conditions in excel 365
    Determine the remainder of a simple division in excel 365


  • 46s
    This video outlines the key content covered in the Microsoft 365: Performing data calculations using formulas in Excel 365 course, including how to create automated running totals, configure your default formula options, and how to calculate average with different conditions. FREE ACCESS
  • 4m 14s
    In Excel 365, simple and complex calculations are easy. In this video, you will discover how to perform simple calculations. This video aligns with MOS MO-200 / Excel Associate Certification exam objective: 4.2.1 Perform calculations by using the AVERAGE(), MAX(), MIN(), and SUM() functions. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    3.  Creating automated running totals
    3m 25s
    If you have organized your data entries into chronological order, a cumulative total can be created once and then applied automatically to the rest of your data entries. In this video, you will learn how to create automated running totals in Excel 365. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    4.  Counting cells in a range
    4m 33s
    Excel 365 has formulas that count cells based on conditions you set. In this video, you will explore how to count cells in a range in Excel 365. This video aligns with MOS MO-200 / Excel Associate Certification exam objective: 4.2.2 Count cells by using the COUNT(), COUNTA(), and COUNTBLANK() functions. As well as MOS MO-201 / Excel Expert Certification exam objective: 3.1.1 Perform logical operations by using nested functions including the IF(), IFS(), SWITCH(), SUMIF(), AVERAGEIF(), COUNTIF(), SUMIFS(), AVERAGEIFS(), COUNTIFS(), MAXIFS(), MINIFS(), AND(), OR(), and NOT() functions FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    5.  Using the IFS and SWITCH functions
    4m 48s
    The IFS and SWITCH functions allow you to test multiple conditions without nesting the IF function. With IFS you can use different operators while with SWITCH you can get a result for a non-exact match. In this video, you will explore how to use the IFS and SWITCH functions in Excel 365. This video aligns with MOS MO-201 / Excel Expert Certification exam objective: 3.1.1 Perform logical operations by using nested functions including the IF(), IFS(), SWITCH(), SUMIF(), AVERAGEIF(), COUNTIF(), SUMIFS(), AVERAGEIFS(), COUNTIFS(), MAXIFS(), MINIFS(), AND(), OR(), and NOT() functions. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    6.  Using the MAXIFS and MINIFS functions
    3m 26s
    If you're looking for the minimum and maximum values that meet a specific criterion, Excel 365 has two functions that can help you find it. In this video, you will explore how to use the MINIFS and MAXIFS functions. This video aligns MOS MO-201 / Excel Expert Certification exam objective: 3.1.1 Perform logical operations by using nested functions including the IF(), IFS(), SWITCH(), SUMIF(), AVERAGEIF(), COUNTIF(), SUMIFS(), AVERAGEIFS(), COUNTIFS(), MAXIFS(), MINIFS(), AND(), OR(), and NOT() functions. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    7.  Using the OFFSET function
    2m 22s
    With Excel 365, there's no need to constantly modify formulas as you're updating your tables and adding new data entries. In this video, you will discover how to use the OFFSET function in Excel 365. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    8.  Configuring your default formula options
    3m 46s
    In Excel 365, you can customize various elements, including formulas, for your own convenience. In this video, you will learn how to configure default formula options. This video aligns with MOS MO-201 / Excel Expert Certification exam objective: 1.2.4 Configure formula calculation options. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    9.  Calculating average with different conditions
    2m 2s
    If you want to find out an average, but you want to use specific criteria, Excel 365 has a function you can use. In this video, you will explore how to calculate the average with different conditions in Excel 365. This video aligns with MOS MO-201 / Excel Expert Certification exam objective: 3.1.1 Perform logical operations by using nested functions including the IF(), IFS(), SWITCH(), SUMIF(), AVERAGEIF(), COUNTIF(), SUMIFS(), AVERAGEIFS(), COUNTIFS(), MAXIFS(), MINIFS(), AND(), OR(), and NOT() functions. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    10.  Determining the remainder of a simple division
    2m 1s
    If you want to perform a simple division in Excel 365, you can use the QUOTIENT function and then use the MOD function to determine the remainder. In this video, you will discover how to factorize the results of a division. FREE ACCESS


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