Mitigating Security Risks: Managing Network & Infrastructure Security Risks

IT Security    |    Intermediate
  • 11 videos | 1h 32m 11s
  • Includes Assessment
  • Earns a Badge
Rating 4.3 of 58 users Rating 4.3 of 58 users (58)
To mitigate cyber, data, cloud, and information security risks, you need solid knowledge of the complete network security process, from network design to continuous monitoring and logging. In this course, you'll explore some vital network security concepts and standard techniques for mitigating security risks. You'll start by examining the potential vulnerabilities in a network and how these turn into threats. You'll then explore the decisions you need to make to secure the network infrastructure. Next, you'll investigate different network zones and tools used for monitoring, detection, and logging. You'll finish by outlining a secure network design's characteristics and the recommended guidelines and best practices for network security. On completion of this course, you'll be able to plan for network and infrastructure-related security risks using recommended tools, methods, and best practices.


  • Discover the key concepts covered in this course
    Describe the network vulnerabilities that can turn into threats
    Describe commonly used network vulnerability prevention methods
    Illustrate using examples how a vulnerable network exposes the organization to cyber, data, cloud, and information security risks
    Define network security
    List basic network zones and compare them in relation to security
  • Describe the role of monitoring, detection, and logging
    List the tools that can be used for network security, keeping capabilities for monitoring, detection, and logging in mind
    Recognize the characteristics of a secure network design for protecting networks and systems
    List the guidelines and best practices for network security
    Summarize the key concepts covered in this course


  • 1m 42s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about the course and the instructor. In this course, you’ll learn about the network security concepts. You’ll also learn about the vulnerabilities that exist in a network and the decisions you have to make to secure the network infrastructure. This course will also cover types of network zones. The course will also detail the guidelines and best practices for network security and the characteristics of a secure network design. FREE ACCESS
  • 8m 5s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about Network Vulnerabilities. Network Vulnerabilities are the weak points or loopholes in a network configuration that can lead to an attack. When you have a vulnerability that exists or a loophole or a weakness in network security that can be exploited, that’s a threat to the network. You’ll learn that a vulnerability is exploited by a threat. FREE ACCESS
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    3.  Network Vulnerability Prevention Methods
    9m 44s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about Network Vulnerabilities Prevention Methods. Prevention methods ensure that you will have to complete multiple layers of security controls or multiple layers of countermeasures to prevent some vulnerabilities. You’ll learn to test security controls and identify vulnerabilities by running vulnerability scanning. You’ll discover that before you can deploy an application into a production environment you must run vulnerability scanning. FREE ACCESS
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    4.  Examples of Network Vulnerabilities
    8m 32s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about message compromise, which involves email addresses being spoofed or compromised through different methods. You’ll also learn about the Masquerade attack. You’ll discover that in this type of attack, a fake identity is used to gain unauthorized access to a personal computer or information through legitimate access of the user. You’ll also learn more about the Denial-of-service or DoS attack. FREE ACCESS
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    5.  The Purpose of Network Security
    12m 26s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about Information Security and Network Security and how they’re related. You’ll learn that information security refers to the bigger picture. It includes protecting information and the resources that exist within your network. You’ll learn that when you talk about Network security, this is more focused on data, network, hardware, and software. It’s considered a subset of information security. FREE ACCESS
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    6.  Network Zones and Security
    10m 42s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about Network Zones. These are also called security zones. You’ll learn these are part of the network with specific security requirements. You’ll discover Network Zones are separated by firewalls because you must restrict the movement of traffic between these segments. You’ll also learn more about Layer 3 devices, which are typically switches. These help route traffic between Network Zones based on the restrictions you apply. FREE ACCESS
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    7.  Monitoring, Detection, and Logging
    5m 30s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about the three critical things you must execute on a network. The first is monitoring, the second is detecting malicious activities, and then the third item is logging. You’ll learn that monitoring lets you know what's going on in your network. While monitoring, you may come across traffic that is suspicious, which means you’ll be detecting malicious activities. Finally, you’ll log these activities. FREE ACCESS
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    8.  Tools for Monitoring, Detection, and Logging
    6m 25s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about monitoring tools. You’ll learn that monitoring tools are the tools used to monitor your network. These tools include intrusion detection systems or IDS. They’re used to detect malicious traffic on the network. You’ll find these tools also include intrusion prevention systems or IPS. These tools can detect and prevent malicious traffic or intrusions. These tools also include firewalls, which help monitor traffic based on set policies. FREE ACCESS
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    9.  Characteristics of a Secure Network Design
    12m 10s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about the characteristics of a Secure Network Design. You’ll learn these characteristics include segmentation. You’ll discover it’s better to have a segmented network because this allows you to restrict the movement of traffic. Then, you’ll discuss having a defense-in-depth in your network. Then you’ll learn each device on the network should be documented. Finally, you’ll discuss having clear boundaries established between safe and non-safe segments. FREE ACCESS
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    10.  Guidelines and Best Practices for Network Security
    15m 39s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about Network Security Guidelines and best practices. To start with, you must know what exists on your network. You’ll learn that you must document each device and each asset on the network. Next, you’ll learn that you must implement information security governance. Then, you’ll discuss implementing methods to detect insider threats. FREE ACCESS
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    11.  Course Summary
    1m 16s
    In this video, you’ll summarize what you’ve learned in the course. In this course, you learned the Basic Concepts of Network Security. You explored network vulnerabilities as threats, examples of a network vulnerability, network security, network zones, and monitoring, detection, and logging. You also learned about tools for monitoring, detection, and logging, the characteristics of a secure network design, and best practices for network security. FREE ACCESS


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