Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Software Development

Azure    |    Beginner
  • 11 videos | 1h 1m 15s
  • Includes Assessment
  • Earns a Badge
Rating 4.6 of 185 users Rating 4.6 of 185 users (185)
Azure offers many software development platform tools in the cloud. You'll begin by learning how to create an Azure App Function followed by recognizing the integration of GitHub with Azure. Next, you'll learn how to deploy a sample test environment using Azure DevTest Labs, then you will create an Azure Logic App. You will then learn how IoT and Azure Sphere provide IoT functionality in the cloud. You'll also learn how to work with Azure containerized application services. Finally, you'll learn how to deploy an Azure container registry and instance. This course is one of a collection of courses that prepares learners for the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals certification.


  • Discover the key concepts covered in this course
    Discuss azure hosted cloud functions
    Use the azure portal to create an azure app function
    Recognize how github functionality is available in azure
    Recognize that devtest labs helps automate setting up sandbox environments
    Deploy a logic app
  • Identify azure iot solutions such as azure sphere, iot hub and iot central
    Recognize when to use azure container instances and azure kubernetes service
    Create a container registry for container images
    Create a containerized application from a template
    Summarize the key concepts covered in this course


  • 2m 15s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about the course and your instructor. In this course, you’ll explore creating an Azure app function and learn how to integrate GitHub with Azure. Next, you’ll learn to deploy a sample test environment using Azure Dev test labs. Next, you’ll create an Azure Logic App. You’ll then explore how IoT and Azure sphere provide IoT functionality in the cloud. Finally, you’ll learn work with Azure containerized application services. FREE ACCESS
  • 5m 10s
    In this video, you'll learn how to discuss and work with Azure App Functions. An Azure Function is a self-contained piece of code that neesd an event to trigger it to run. Developers don't have to worry about the underlying infrastructure, they'll focus on the code. When you develop an Azure App Function, you must think about the language it will be written in. You can choose to build your function app using JavaScript, C#, or PowerShell. FREE ACCESS
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    3.  Deploying an Azure App Function
    6m 55s
    In this video, you'll learn about how to use the Azure portal to create an Azure App Function, which is a cloud service that allows you to maintain less code and less service infrastructure. In the Azure cloud, you have the ability to allow software developers to create Azure function apps where they can define functions. Those functions might be triggered by HTTP requests or blobs being uploaded into a storage account container. Onscreen, you'll see Microsoft Visual Studio, the free Community Edition. FREE ACCESS
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    4.  Azure and GitHub
    6m 34s
    In this video, you'll learn more about GitHub, which is a software code version control system, or VCS. It's an open-source centralized software development tool that allows you to determine which changes were made, by whom, when the changes were made, and why they were made. Then, project files get stored in a public or a private repository. You'll see this created in GitHub onscreen. FREE ACCESS
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    5.  Azure DevTest Labs
    6m 28s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about Microsoft Azure DevTest Labs. This is a great tool to use to save on costs when you need to quickly spin up a test environment or a lab environment. This tool supports Rapid provisioning, so you can quickly get an environment up and running. It's a Sandbox environment, which means it's not a production environment, you don't have to worry about negatively affecting production systems or production data. FREE ACCESS
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    6.  Creating an Azure Logic App
    5m 43s
    In this video, you’ll watch a demo. In this demonstration, you’ll create a logic app. You’ll see that in Microsoft Azure, there are a number of different software development tools to make life easier. This means the developer doesn't have to provision the underlying servers to run their code. With an Azure function app, you have flexibility because you’re writing code. But with an Azure Logic App, you don't have to write code. FREE ACCESS
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    7.  IoT and Azure Sphere
    6m 2s
    In this video, you'll learn more about IoT or Internet of Things, and how to identify Azure IoT solutions such as Azure Sphere, IoT Hub and IoT Central. IoT refers to devices that connect to the Internet and can transmit data. IoT integrates with Azure, and some of the service offerings allow IoT devices to be registered with a central hub in the cloud, from which you can collect IoT device telemetry. FREE ACCESS
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    8.  Azure and Application Containerization
    7m 24s
    In this video, you'll learn about when to use Azure Container Instances and Azure Kubernetes Service. Larger modern-day applications often consist of smaller components, and modular components handle certain aspects of applications - called a microservice. Some application containers lend themselves nicely to microservices. FREE ACCESS
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    9.  Deploying an Azure Container Registry
    8m 36s
    During this demonstration, you'll use the Azure portal to create an Azure Container Registry, or ACR. This allows you to build, store, and manage container images and artifacts in a private registry for all types of container deployments. You'll have a cloud-based centralized repository of application container images hosted in Azure. Onscreen, you'll see a search for dockerhub, and can go to Docker Hub online, sign up with an account, and then start pulling down container images related to many different platforms. FREE ACCESS
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    10.  Deploying an Azure Container Instance
    5m 16s
    During this demonstration, you'll create a containerized application from a template. You'll learn how you can use the AZure portal to deploy an Azure Container Instance, or ACI, and how this lets you run containerized applications that are hosted within the Azure Cloud. FREE ACCESS
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    11.  Course Summary
    In this video, you’ll summarize what you’ve learned in this course. You’ve learned how to configure software developer solutions in the Azure cloud. You explored Azure App Functions, the integration of Azure and GitHub, Azure DevTest Labs, and Azure Logic Apps. You also looked at the relationship of IoT and Azure Spheres. FREE ACCESS


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