Managing references in Word 365 (2025)
Word 365 (2025)
| Expert
- 11 videos | 47m 32s
- Includes Assessment
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Word 365 offers different reference tools to help manage long documents. First, learn how to insert a cover page to help present your document. Next, see how to add and customize a table of contents. You can also insert bookmarks to mark locations to quickly navigate to them. Discover how to create an index to list the keywords in your document and the page numbers they appear on. You will also learn how to insert a caption to clarify the details of inserted content and create a table of figures to organize and keep a list of the inserted figures. Explore the cross-reference function to link to other parts of your document. And finally, use the Outline view to restructure your document and create a master document. This course aligns with the objectives of Exam MO-110: Microsoft Word (Microsoft 365 Apps) and MO-111: Microsoft Word Expert (Microsoft 365 Apps). Would you like hands-on practice? Go to the Course Contents pane and download the sample files to follow along with select videos.
Discover the key concepts covered in the managing references in word 365 courseInsert and customize a document cover pageAdd a table of contents to quickly navigate within a documentStructure the table of contents and modify its appearanceAdd bookmark links in a document to help navigate to a specific document sectionMark index entries and insert an index to help readers locate different elements in a document
Add captions to clarify the details of inserted content in a documentInsert a table of figures to organize and keep a list of the figures that have been inserted in a documentUse the cross-reference function to display information relating to sections or passages in a documentUse outline view to manage and restructure a documentUse outline view to create a master document
42sThis video outlines the key concepts covered in the Managing references in Word 365 course, including adding a table of contents, inserting an index, and creating a master document. FREE ACCESS
2m 46sYou may include a cover page at the start of your document to introduce the piece or yourself. Word 365 comes with a gallery of preset cover pages with sample text that is highly customizable. FREE ACCESS
4m 17sWord 365 can automatically create a table of contents based on your document's heading styles. Text formatted with the Heading 1 style will become main headings, and text formatted with the Heading 2 style will become subheadings within your table of contents. All you need to decide is where to put the table and how you want to format it. This video aligns with MO-110 Microsoft Word Exam objective: Insert tables of contents. FREE ACCESS
5m 16sYou can customize the look of your table of contents to better suit your document. In Word 365, you can make a number of changes to the appearance and structure of your table of contents. You can even save your customized table of contents and reuse it in other documents. This video aligns with MO-110 Microsoft Word Exam objective: Customize tables of contents. FREE ACCESS
4m 26sIn Word 365, you can easily add bookmarks to your document. Bookmarks allow you to mark locations within a document so you can quickly navigate to them without needing to scroll through multiple pages. See also how to create links to bookmarks and remove a bookmark from your document. This video aligns with MO-110 Microsoft Word Exam objectives: Link to locations within documents and Move to specific locations and objects in documents. FREE ACCESS
5m 21sAn index can be useful for readers as it lists the keywords in a document and the page numbers they appear on. Once you have marked the phrases as index entries, you can easily insert the index and keep it up to date if changes are made to the document. This video aligns with MO-111 Microsoft Word Exam Expert objectives: Mark index entries, Create indexes, and Update indexes. FREE ACCESS
5m 30sIn Word 365, you can add captions to pictures and tables, which provides readers with a short description of the object. Captions also enable you to number objects, which helps keep track of them. You can insert manual and automatic captions to annotate your illustrations. This video aligns with MO-111 Microsoft Word Expert Exam objectives: Insert figure and table captions and Configure caption properties. FREE ACCESS
5m 34sYou can create a list of the figures, pictures, and tables in your Word 365 document by inserting a table of figures. This way, you can organize and keep track of illustrations. Similar to a table of contents, the table of figures can be adjusted to show the page number of the illustration and its name. It can also be updated automatically if any changes are made to a figure’s caption. This video aligns with MO-111 Microsoft Word Expert Exam objective: Insert and modify a table of figures. FREE ACCESS
4m 18sIn Word 365, you can use the cross-reference function to link specific parts of your document. This is useful if you have referenced a chart or figure within the text, as the cross-reference appears as a link that takes the reader to the referenced item. You can also combine the cross reference and bookmarks functions to improve navigation within your document. FREE ACCESS
4m 45sWord 365’s Outline view is useful for managing and restructuring your document. Outline view strips your document of everything except for headings and subheadings, allowing you to easily make structural changes. Using the Outline tools, you can, for example, specify which heading level you want to visualize. You can also promote and demote individual sections in your document and even change where sections are placed. FREE ACCESS
4m 37sIn Word 365, you can use the Outline view to create a master document. A master document contains one or more subdocuments, new or existing files that can be linked to or integrated fully into your master document. These subdocuments can then be accessed easily from a single central location. FREE ACCESS
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