Leadership Insights on Leading with Agility

  • 21 videos | 1h 5m 55s
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The agile leader is adaptive, can sense and seize opportunities, and is constantly on the lookout for change. Discover how agility can make you, your team, and your organization more innovative, more responsive, and more successful.


  • Acquire insights on how members of a formula one team can embrace change, both in their competition and in technology.
    Acquire insights on psychologically safe work environments which foster innovation, creativity, candor, and inclusivity.
    Acquire insights on how expertise can be the enemy of innovation.
    Acquire insights on the three essential attributes of agile leaders.
    Acquire insights on how leaders can learn to be adaptive by imagining themselves as an iceberg.
    Acquire insights on leading change through distributed leadership which encourages ideas from people at all levels.
    Acquire insights on the different approaches that leaders can take to go faster every day, particularly by focusing on what matters the most.
    Acquire insights on how to be more agile in a fast changing environment by continuous assessing where you are with respect to your goals.
    Acquire insights on how leaders can create an effective organization that is agile, flexible, and resilient.
    Acquire insights on how leaders can make a difference by constantly renewing their ways of working according to today’s changing world.
    Acquire insights on why it is important for the leaders to change their leadership styles with changing attitudes toward customers and customer service in today’s market.
  • Acquire insights on the importance of working on your weaknesses for a flourishing career.
    Acquire insights on how slow leadership can help in producing a better outcome with quick decision-making.
    Acquire insights on why leaders should not lead during an amygdala hijack.
    Acquire insights on being uncompromisingly open.
    Acquire insights on why it's not good to be consistent.
    Acquire insights on understanding the evolution of agile development into a number of techniques, including scrum, sprint, and product increment.
    Acquire insights on how to uncover the blind spot of what you don't know.
    Acquire insights on understanding that people must have the intellectual humility needed to change their minds in order to turn that friction into true innovation.
    Acquire insights on finding a leadership style that works for everyone.
    Acquire insights on fast, frequent feedback and the path to excellence.


  • Locked
    1.  Embracing Change in Formula One Racing
    3m 3s
    Every member of a Formula One team, at every level, in every job, is constantly looking for change, both in their competition and in technology —automotive engineering, aerospace engineering and ICT (information and communications technology). FREE ACCESS
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    2.  Psychologically Safe Work Environments
    3m 18s
    Psychologically safe environments foster innovation, creativity, candor, and inclusivity. FREE ACCESS
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    3.  Expertise: The Enemy of Innovation
    2m 26s
    Experts come up with solutions quickly and stop looking for anything more innovative. Breakthrough solutions almost always come from cross-disciplinary teams that look at problems from different points of view. FREE ACCESS
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    4.  Attributes of Agile Leaders
    2m 7s
    To compete successfully in a dynamic environment, agile leaders need three essential attributes. FREE ACCESS
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    5.  The Adaptive Leader: Be An Iceberg
    2m 7s
    When you’re deep in a situation, you’re an actor in a play. Step outside and watch the play. Turn it into learning. Shift your mindset. Imagine you’re an iceberg. Look at yourself under the water. Then lower the water line so others can see you there and adapt with you. FREE ACCESS
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    6.  Leading Change at All Levels
    3m 53s
    The traditional change model is top-down. This restricts the range of ideas. Distributed-leadership organizations encourage ideas from people at all levels. The emphasis is on agility, innovation, and speed — sensing and seizing opportunities quickly. FREE ACCESS
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    7.  How to Go Faster Day to Day
    To go faster, shorten meetings. Focus on what matters. Track what you’re working on and what you are accomplishing. Identify and eliminate waste. Build successive three-month roadmaps from scratch. FREE ACCESS
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    8.  Agility Requires Assessments
    1m 49s
    To be more agile in a fast changing environment, as a person or as a company, stop from time to time to assess where you are with respect to your goals. The sooner you know where you are, the sooner you can make changes. FREE ACCESS
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    9.  Agile Leadership
    1m 54s
    Leaders should try to create an organization that is agile, flexible, and resilient. FREE ACCESS
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    10.  Are You Learning As Fast As the World is Changing?
    2m 40s
    Leaders who can constantly renew the way they see the playing field are the ones who make a difference. FREE ACCESS
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    11.  Leaders Have to Be Human
    2m 14s
    Attitudes toward customers and customer service have changed, requiring leadership styles to change as well. FREE ACCESS
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    12.  How Your Weaknesses Can Make You Stronger
    1m 59s
    Your strengths can take your career only so far. Focus on your weaknesses for a career that flourishes, rather than flounders. FREE ACCESS
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    13.  Slow Leadership
    2m 34s
    Moving forward quickly on decisions often produces a better outcome when leaders take it slow. FREE ACCESS
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    14.  Don’t Lead During an Amygdala Hijack
    3m 20s
    The worst thing leaders can do during an amygdala hijack is try to lead. Here's what leaders should do instead. FREE ACCESS
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    15.  Uncompromisingly Open
    2m 35s
    A leader with an ambitious vision has to be unusually open to collaborating with creative people. FREE ACCESS
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    16.  Why It's Not Good to Be Consistent
    3m 46s
    Wise leaders know that managing is full of paradoxes and simplicity is only an illusion. FREE ACCESS
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    17.  Agile beyond Software
    7m 14s
    Agile development represented a break from the spiral approach to software development. It has since evolved into a number of techniques, including scrum, sprint, and product increment. FREE ACCESS
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    18.  How to Uncover the Blind Spot of What You Don't Know
    5m 36s
    One of the biggest challenges of being a CEO is that people stop telling you what they think you don't want to hear, and instead tell you what they think you want to hear. Find out how to avoid this dangerous disconnect by uncovering passive data that enables you to uncover the blind spot of what you don't know. FREE ACCESS
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    19.  Bake the Cake: Encouraging People to Change Their Minds
    6m 9s
    When people have different viewpoints, positive cognitive friction can occur. However, people must have the intellectual humility needed to change their minds in order to turn that friction into true innovation. FREE ACCESS
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    20.  Finding a Leadership Style That Works for Everyone
    2m 32s
    Some leaders are dominant. They’re quick to take charge, make decisions, and make judgements. For the individual leader, this may be the best approach. But what about the cost to the organization? What impact does this style of leadership have on individual team members, and their day-to-day confidence? FREE ACCESS
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    21.  Fast, Frequent Feedback on the Path to Excellence
    1m 39s
    Agile, Six Sigma, Lean: we’re surrounded by strategies and acronyms designed to make our working lives better and our organizations more efficient. Discover what all of these strategies have in common, and how to apply it to your role. FREE ACCESS


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