Leadership Insights on Leading Innovation

  • 34 videos | 1h 42m 14s
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To lead innovation you need to first avoid the mistakes leaders make in innovation. Then you need to create a space for innovation-where debate and learning can foster creativity and people can join together to do the work that matters.


  • Acquire insights on how expertise can be the enemy of innovation.
    Acquire insights on why it is important for leaders to set priorities and outcomes for innovation.
    Acquire insights on where executives of an organization struggle in innovation.
    Acquire insights on why networking is important to build a culture of innovation in an organization.
    Acquire insights on the importance of providing time for innovation.
    Acquire insights on how psychologically safe environments foster innovation, creativity, candor, and inclusivity.
    Acquire insights on fostering and supporting a culture of change and innovation by doing work that matters.
    Acquire insights on the importance of setting metrics for innovation programs.
    Acquire insights on how to be innovative by acting like a scientist and challenging assumptions.
    Acquire insights on how to succeed as a leader.
    Acquire insights on the different techniques to improve creativity.
    Acquire insights on the journey of the perpetual hunt for innovation.
    Acquire insights on the haier model for embracing innovation.
    Acquire insights on frugal innovation which is about doing much more with much less.
    Acquire insights on frugal innovation to engage your customers by understanding their needs and requirements.
    Acquire insights on how you can flex your assets to make your company more profitable through frugal innovation.
    Acquire insights on the importance of frugal innovation for circular value networks that can help a company save costs and the environment at the same time.
  • Acquire insights on how frugal innovation can help shape customer behavior through nudge economics.
    Acquire insights on how frugal innovation can help in the prosumer movement.
    Acquire insights on how frugal innovation leads to hyper-collaboration, which is the sharing of information or assets by two or more companies.
    Acquire insights on how frugal innovation can either be a top-down or a bottom-up strategy.
    Acquire insights to understand that efficiency helps companies create profits, but it is also the enemy of innovation.
    Acquire insights on the three-box solution to driving innovation.
    Acquire insights on understanding that companies need to define and address any performance gaps in their business.
    Acquire insights to understand that if you aren’t reaching 100 out of 100, you have a possibility gap.
    Acquire insights to understand that strategic intent should have direction, motivation, and boldness.
    Acquire insights on understanding that to drive innovation, leaders must understand the organization’s core competencies.
    Acquire insights on innovation and its reliance on a true partnership between the core business and any new business.
    Acquire insights on understanding that the future is now.
    Acquire insights on takeaways for the three-box solution.
    Acquire insights on vijay govindarajan's three-box solution.
    Acquire insights learning to think beyond best practices.
    Acquire insights on how you can harness cognitive friction when innovating.
    Acquire insights on embracing your team's curiosity to achieve innovation.


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    1.  Expertise: The Enemy of Innovation
    2m 26s
    Experts come up with solutions quickly and stop looking for anything more innovative. Breakthrough solutions almost always come from cross-disciplinary teams that look at problems from different points of view. FREE ACCESS
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    2.  Why Leaders Need to Frame the Innovation Vision
    3m 31s
    Leaders should set priorities and outcomes for innovation; everyone wants to work on a priority. Companies that integrate innovation into their strategies are more likely to meet their financial targets. Innovation requires companies to challenge their orthodoxies. FREE ACCESS
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    3.  Where Executives Struggle in Innovation
    2m 57s
    Executives struggle in 1) setting the focus for innovation, e.g., twelve initiatives is too many; 2) setting the outcomes that define success; 3) insufficient attention and governance; not encouraging debate; and 4) too much attention to process. FREE ACCESS
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    4.  Building Network Capital
    3m 3s
    To create a culture of innovation, especially in large organizations, think in terms of networks. Use enterprise social network tools to help individuals create and build their own networks, and thus build network capital for the entire organization. FREE ACCESS
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    5.  Finding Time for Innovation
    1m 42s
    Innovation requires debate, reflection, and learning. These take time. 3M and Google provide time, which allows “collisions” with people, and time to read something that sparks an idea. If there are only two dots in your head there’s only one way to connect them. FREE ACCESS
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    6.  Psychologically Safe Work Environments
    3m 18s
    Psychologically safe environments foster innovation, creativity, candor, and inclusivity. FREE ACCESS
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    7.  Culture of Change and Innovation
    1m 39s
    Fostering and supporting a culture of change and innovation starts with creating a space for doing work that matters. FREE ACCESS
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    8.  Setting Metrics for Innovation Programs
    1m 27s
    The output metrics of innovation programs are vital to leaders, but measuring input and development is at least if not more important. FREE ACCESS
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    9.  How to Be Innovative
    3m 4s
    To be innovative, you have to be willing to act like a scientist and challenge assumptions. FREE ACCESS
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    10.  How Do You Succeed as a Leader?
    2m 1s
    Success as a leader comes from two things, as evidenced by Netflix, China's Haier, and the Jesuits. FREE ACCESS
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    11.  Techniques to Improve Creativity
    3m 4s
    Nurture your creativity with a few powerful activities and reap the benefits. FREE ACCESS
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    12.  The Perpetual Hunt for Innovation
    3m 16s
    The perpetual hunt for innovation is a messy, difficult, and often overrated journey. FREE ACCESS
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    13.  Embracing Innovation: The Haier Model
    3m 12s
    The Haier model is a template for modern corporations that want to embrace innovation. FREE ACCESS
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    14.  Frugal Innovation: Doing More with Less
    2m 37s
    At its heart, frugal innovation is about doing much more with much less. FREE ACCESS
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    15.  Frugal Innovation: Engaging Your Customers
    2m 37s
    The majority of new consumer products fail because they don’t actually meet real needs of real people. FREE ACCESS
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    16.  Frugal Innovation: Flex Your Assets
    2m 40s
    Assets like factories, technology, and people can be leveraged to make your company faster and more profitable. FREE ACCESS
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    17.  Frugal Innovation: Circular Value Networks
    2m 18s
    A circular value network allows companies to reuse parts and materials over and over, saving costs and the environment at the same time. FREE ACCESS
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    18.  Frugal Innovation: Shape Customer Behavior with a Nudge
    2m 57s
    Nudge economics is a way of influencing consumer decisions and behaviors. FREE ACCESS
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    19.  Frugal Innovation: The Prosumer Movement
    2m 49s
    Technology like 3D printing is blurring the line between consumers and producers. Now is the time to partner with prosumers. FREE ACCESS
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    20.  Frugal Innovation: Hyper-Collaboration
    2m 57s
    Hyper-collaboration is the sharing of information or assets by two or more companies. FREE ACCESS
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    21.  Frugal Innovation: Choosing Your Strategy
    3m 21s
    Frugal innovation can be a top-down strategy or come from the bottom up. FREE ACCESS
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    22.  Innovation Now
    3m 2s
    Efficiency helps companies create profits, but it is also the enemy of innovation. FREE ACCESS
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    23.  Three-Box Solution
    5m 58s
    Using General Electric’s healthcare business as an example, Vijay Govindarajan explains his Three-Box Solution to driving innovation. FREE ACCESS
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    24.  Three-Box Solution: Performance Gap
    1m 59s
    Companies need to define and address any performance gaps in their business. FREE ACCESS
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    25.  Three-Box Solution: Possibility Gap
    4m 28s
    If you aren’t reaching 100 out of 100, you have a possibility gap. FREE ACCESS
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    26.  Strategic Intent
    3m 50s
    Strategic intent should have direction, motivation, and boldness. FREE ACCESS
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    27.  Three Characteristics of Core Competencies
    4m 12s
    To drive innovation, leaders must understand the organization’s core competencies, which consist of three characteristics. FREE ACCESS
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    28.  Overcoming the Borrow Challenge
    2m 36s
    Innovation, in terms of future business models, relies on a true partnership between the core business and any new business. FREE ACCESS
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    29.  The Future is Now
    3m 41s
    The future never arrives all of a sudden; it comes in daily doses. So if you want something 10 years from now, you have to starting working on it today. FREE ACCESS
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    30.  Three-Box Solution: Three Takeaways
    1m 44s
    These three takeaways from the three-box solution enable leaders to create the future while managing the present. FREE ACCESS
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    31.  Three-Box Solution: Overview
    1m 46s
    Vijay Govindarajan’s three-box solution helps organizations drive innovation for future success. FREE ACCESS
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    32.  Thinking beyond Best Practices
    4m 25s
    People follow best practices because they assume, naturally enough, that these are the best way to proceed. But what if best practices are not always the best way forward? FREE ACCESS
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    33.  Mix the Ingredients: Harnessing Cognitive Friction
    4m 34s
    If you want to make something new, you need different ingredients. Different ways of thinking are the most important ingredients in any group. Find out how you can harness cognitive friction when innovating. FREE ACCESS
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    34.  Embrace Your Team’s Curiosity in the Drive to Achieving Innovation
    3m 4s
    A good leader knows that innovation comes from encouraging and rewarding curiosity, even if it means breaking the rules. Discover strategies to develop positive risk-taking and innovation in your teams. FREE ACCESS


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