Java Certified Foundations Associate: Data Types

Java    |    Beginner
  • 14 videos | 1h 32m 54s
  • Includes Assessment
  • Earns a Badge
Rating 4.7 of 84 users Rating 4.7 of 84 users (84)
Java provides different data types that can be used to store and work with different types of data. In this course, you'll learn about these data types and how to perform actions on them. First, you'll learn about the various Java data types and their properties. Next, you'll examine how to declare and initialize variables in Java and purpose of the final keyword. You'll then move on to explore data type casting and the concepts of widening and narrowing casting. Finally, you'll learn about the Java String data type and how it relates to the Java StringBuilder class. This course is one of a collection of courses that prepares learners for Oracle's 1Z0-811: Java Certified Foundations Associate certification.


  • Discover the key concepts covered in this course
    Describe the different java data types and their properties
    Demonstrate the use of the different java data types and their properties
    Describe how to declare and initialize variables in java and the purpose of the final keyword
    Declare and initialize variables in java and use the final keyword
    Describe data type casting and the concepts of widening and narrowing casting
    Demonstrate the use of data type casting and widening and narrowing casting
  • Describe data type conversion and the concepts of widening and narrowing conversions
    Demonstrate the use of data type conversion and widening and narrowing conversions
    Describe the features of the java string class
    Demonstrate the features of the java string class
    Describe the java stringbuilder class and how it relates to the string class
    Demonstrate the use of the java stringbuilder class
    Summarize the key concepts covered in this course


  • 1m 4s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about your instructor and the course. In this course, you'll learn about data types and how to perform actions on them. You’ll learn the concepts of Java data types and their properties. You’ll also learn to declare and initialize variables in Java and cover the purpose of the final keyword. You’ll learn datatype casting and the concepts of widening and narrowing casting types. FREE ACCESS
  • 6m 26s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about Java. In Java, collecting, manipulating, and working with information means using variables. You’ll learn that you need to use the proper data type. These data types can be classified into two groups, primitive and non-primitive. Primitive data types specify the size and type of information that can be stored in the variable. Non-primitive data types are referred to as reference objects. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    3.  Programming Java Data Types
    7m 22s
    In this video, you’ll follow a demo. This demo will give you a look at the different data types in Java. Here, you’ll follow instructions to create a Java project, set up a static class to run some code, and then we'll run through some primitive data types, as well as some non-primitive data types, and how Java renders them. To get started, you’ll follow onscreen instructions to create a Java IDE. FREE ACCESS
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    4.  Java Variables
    10m 39s
    In this video, you’ll learn how to use Java data types. You’ll learn to define variables. A variable is defined by its data type and its value. A variable is the most basic storage unit used by Java. First, you’ll define the variable and Java will allocate a portion of memory to house the value assigned to that variable. You’ll learn that how much memory is allocated is based on the data type. FREE ACCESS
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    5.  Programming Java Variables
    9m 25s
    In this video, you’ll watch a demo. In this demo, you’ll explore declaring variables in Java. You will use your previous demo to create variables for each of the different data types. Then, you’ll initialize each variable with a value. You’ll use what you built in Eclipse from the previous demo. You’ll open Eclipse IDE first, and then learn to convert each of those data types into real variables. FREE ACCESS
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    6.  Java Type Casting
    5m 33s
    In this video, you’ll learn about type casting. In Java, type casting means you’ll take a variable and convert it from one data type to another. You’ll also discover that certain data types aren't compatible and so type casting isn't possible. Additionally, you’ll learn there are two ways you can type cast. The first direction is called widening and the other is called narrowing. FREE ACCESS
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    7.  Programming Java Type Casting
    7m 16s
    In this video, you’ll watch a demo. In this demo, you’ll learn the concept of widening. You’ll learn how to create a variable and cast it to bigger and bigger data types. You’ll also learn to output each result to the console so you can see the widening working as you go. This demo will use the work done in previous demos, which were built in Eclipse. FREE ACCESS
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    8.  Java Type Conversion
    5m 14s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about automatic type casting and then there's manual type casting in Java. You’ll learn that automatic type casting allows Java do the work of widening your variables to larger data types. Manual type casting tells Java how to convert data from one type to another. You’ll learn that the process of manually converting a variable from one type to another is generally known as narrowing. FREE ACCESS
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    9.  Programming Java Type Conversion
    8m 40s
    In this video, you’ll watch a demo. In this demo, you’ll learn the concept of narrowing. You'll create a variable and cast it to smaller and smaller data types. Then, you’ll output each result to the console to see the narrowing as you go. This demo will use the work done in previous demos, which were built in Eclipse. FREE ACCESS
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    10.  Java Strings
    7m 47s
    In this video, you’ll learn about one of the most common and important non-primitive classes in Java, the String Class. You’ll discover the String Class is so common that most other programming languages include String as a primitive. The purpose of the String Class is to define and manage text. You’ll learn that even though a String is a non-primitive data type, it's composed of a primitive data type. FREE ACCESS
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    11.  Programming Java Strings
    9m 40s
    In this video, you’ll watch a demo. In this demo, you’ll go over the features of the String class in Java. To do that, you’ll follow onscreen directions to create a class in your existing project and then create and display Strings in different ways. To do this demo, you’ll use the work from previous demos, which were built in Eclipse. FREE ACCESS
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    12.  Java StringBuilder Class
    5m 54s
    In this video, you’ll learn that Strings are immutable, which means they can't be changed. In order to change a String, you need to create a new String or overwrite your existing variable. To work around this, you’ll learn to use the StringBuilder Class. You’ll discover the StringBuilder Class is a collection of characters put together to form text. You’ll learn the purpose of the StringBuilder is to manage memory allocation of your text. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    13.  Programming the Java StringBuilder Class
    7m 20s
    In this video, you’ll watch a demo. In this demo, you’ll learn the features of the StringBuilder class in Java. You’ll use the work from previous demos to create an instance of a StringBuilder object, and then explore the methods and features available within that object. First, you’ll head to Eclipse IDE and open your project. Next, you’ll create a new class in order to start with a fresh canvas. FREE ACCESS
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    14.  Course Summary
    In this video, you’ll summarize what you’ve learned in the course. In the course, you discovered different data types and how to perform actions on them. You also explored programming Java data types, declaring and initializing Java variables, programming Java data type casting and conversion and using Java Strings and the Java StringBuilder class. FREE ACCESS


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