Interfaces, Lambda Expressions, Collections, & Generics
Java SE 8
| Intermediate
- 11 videos | 47m 22s
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Java is one of the most widely used development languages in the world today. Discover interfaces and lambda expressions, custom generic classes, enumerated types, and the stream API.
Describe how to create a custom generic class using the type inference diamondDescribe the java collections frameworkContrast the implementation of an arraylist in java without and with genericsDescribe how to implement a treeset using the set interface in the java collection apiDescribe how to implement a treemap using the map interface in the java collection apiDescribe how to implement a arraydeque using the deque interface in the java collection api
Describe how to use the comparable and comparator interfaces to sort java collectionsDescribe how to use the builder pattern to create a java classDescribe how to iterate through a collection using a lambda expressionDescribe the stream api and how it can be used to process java collection elements in parallelDescribe how to call an existing method using a method reference and how methods can be chained in java lambda expressions
4m 20sUpon completion of this video, you will be able to describe how to create a custom generic class using type inference. FREE ACCESS
2m 32sAfter completing this video, you will be able to describe the Java Collections Framework. FREE ACCESS
5m 41sIn this video, you will learn how to contrast the implementation of an ArrayList in Java with and without generics. FREE ACCESS
3m 54sUpon completion of this video, you will be able to describe how to implement a TreeSet using the Set interface in the Java Collection API. FREE ACCESS
7m 22sAfter completing this video, you will be able to describe how to implement a TreeMap using the Map interface in the Java Collection API. FREE ACCESS
3m 43sAfter completing this video, you will be able to describe how to implement an ArrayDeque using the Deque interface in the Java Collection API. FREE ACCESS
7m 45sUpon completion of this video, you will be able to describe how to use the Comparable and Comparator interfaces to sort Java collections. FREE ACCESS
3m 25sAfter completing this video, you will be able to describe how to use the builder pattern to create a Java class. FREE ACCESS
4m 9sAfter completing this video, you will be able to describe how to iterate through a collection using a Lambda expression. FREE ACCESS
2m 13sUpon completion of this video, you will be able to describe the Stream API and how it can be used to process Java collection elements in parallel. FREE ACCESS
2m 19sAfter completing this video, you will be able to describe how to call an existing method using a method reference and how methods can be chained in Java lambda expressions. FREE ACCESS
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