Inserting & Editing data in Excel for the Web

Excel for the Web    |    Intermediate
  • 10 videos | 34m 56s
  • Includes Assessment
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Excel for the Web contains a number of features to aid in data insertion and manipulation. Explore numerous ways to insert, edit, and manipulate your data, including undo and redo, Flash Fill, spell check, and transposing a data range. To enhance your worksheets, also learn how to insert pictures, shapes, and hyperlinks.


  • Select cells, rows, columns, and tables
    Insert, edit, and replace data
    Create and duplicate data series
    Delete columns, rows, and data
    Align data and merge cells
  • Undo and redo actions within a spreadsheet
    Copy & paste data and formulas
    Move data within a worksheet and a worbook
    Insert, edit, and delete images and shapes
    Insert, edit, and delete links


  • 3m 26s
    You can apply changes to individual or multiple cells in Excel for the Web by selecting them. You can select data cells using your mouse, your keyboard or both at the same time to select cells more quickly. Once you know how to select cells, you can start performing other actions like moving or duplicating data. FREE ACCESS
  • 2m 21s
    You can enter numerical or textual data into your Excel for the Web workbook cells. In this video, you will see how to insert, edit and replace data in your spreadsheet. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    3.  Creating automatic data series in Excel for the Web
    4m 44s
    Organize your data into lists and avoid re-entering the same categories repeatedly by creating automatic data series in Excel for the Web. You can create a numbered list that increases by any increment that you choose. You can also create a repeating list using categories like the date, the day of the week or the month. Automatic data series can be created vertically in columns or horizontally in rows. FREE ACCESS
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    4.  Deleting items in Excel for the Web
    3m 38s
    If you need to remove data from your Excel for the Web spreadsheet, you can use the delete tools. You have the possibility of removing data within a single cell or within multiple cells. You can also remove entire cells, rows, and columns from your workbook. FREE ACCESS
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    5.  Aligning your data in Excel for the Web
    3m 31s
    Improve the overall appearance of your table by adjusting your cell's alignment settings. In Excel for the Web, you can not only adjust the horizontal alignment of your cells, but also the vertical alignment. You can also add indents and merge multiple cells. FREE ACCESS
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    6.  Undoing & redoing actions in Excel for the Web
    2m 22s
    If you make a mistake while working in your workbooks, use the Undo tool to return your document to its previous state. You can also Redo undone actions if you decide to use them after all. Excel for the Web keeps a record of your recent actions so you can undo and redo multiple actions while working on your workbook. FREE ACCESS
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    7.  Copying & pasting data in Excel for the Web
    4m 2s
    When you copy and paste data in Excel for the Web, you have a number of different options available to you. You can move data from one worksheet to another, and even from one workbook to another. When you paste, you can paste everything that you've copied to a new location, or choose to exclusively paste the formatting, the data values or the data formulas. FREE ACCESS
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    8.  Transferring data in Excel for the Web
    2m 29s
    Excel for the Web features a number of different ways you can transfer data from one location to another. You can move data within individual sheets, from one worksheet to another, and even from one workbook to another. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    9.  Inserting pictures & shapes in Excel for the Web
    3m 50s
    In Excel for the Web, you can insert images and shapes to illustrate your table. See how to insert images from your computer. You will also learn how to insert, edit, and remove shapes. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    10.  Inserting a hyperlink in Excel for the Web
    4m 33s
    Hyperlinks are clickable links that can be inserted into your spreadsheet so that users can be quickly redirected to websites, email addresses, and other places in your document. Excel for the Web automatically recognizes certain hyperlinks - such as email and website addresses. In this video, you'll see once you've inserted a hyperlink you and edit it or remove it. FREE ACCESS


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