Hazardous Materials and Spills in the Workplace
- 17 topics | 57m
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This course discusses proper handling of chemicals in the workplace and actions that can be taken to protect the workers, the public, and the environment. It also covers the roles and responsibilities of those responding to events involving hazardous materials. The content in this course is designed to comply with the intent of the applicable regulatory requirements. The course was developed and reviewed with subject matter support provided by certified subject matter experts and industry professionals. Please note, the course materials and content were current with the laws and regulations at the time of the last expert review, however, they may not reflect the most current legal developments. Nothing herein, or in the course materials, shall be construed as professional advice as to any particular situation with respect to compliance with legal statutes or requirements.
Hazardous Materials and Spills in the Workplace
identify characteristics of hazardous materials
recognize situations when spills are most likely to occur
Knowledge Check: Hazardous Materials
identify potential outcomes of a hazardous material release
Knowledge Check: Potential Outcomes
distinguish between the roles and responsibilities of personnel who respond to emergencies involving hazardous materials
Knowledge Check: Roles and Responsibilities
identify possible responses to a release of hazardous material
Knowledge Check: Response Capabilities
identify the primary and secondary goals of spill control
Knowledge Check: Goals of Spill Control
identify definitions of the terms "containment" and "confinement"
identify the factors that influence how spills are controlled
identify actions to take as part of the recommended procedures for spill and leak response
Knowledge Check: Response Procedures
identify the proper steps to contain hazardous spills
Knowledge Check: Containment
identify confinement methods for liquids
identify confinement methods for gases and vapors
identify confinement methods for solids
Knowledge Check: Confinement
Hazardous Materials and Spills in the Workplace1m
Hazardous Materials2m
Knowledge Check: Hazardous Materials2m
Potential Outcomes3m
Knowledge Check: Potential Outcomes2m
Roles and Responsibilities4m
Knowledge Check: Roles and Responsibilities4m
Response Capabilities3m
Knowledge Check: Response Capabilities2m
Goals of Spill Control3m
Knowledge Check: Goals of Spill Control1m
Response Procedures6m
Knowledge Check: Response Procedures6m
Knowledge Check: Containment1m
Knowledge Check: Confinement3m
Compliance Brief: Illegal Drug Contamination Awareness
Compliance Brief: Summer Vehicle Safety