Global Record Retention

  • 5 topics | 13m 48s
  • Up to 30 languages
  • Transcripts
Organizations and their employees must manage records properly so they can access information when it's needed, keep potentially sensitive information secure, and comply with laws surrounding the handling and storage of data. Effective records management depends on knowing how long to keep records and when and how to dispose of them securely. In this course, you'll learn what kinds of information count as records, and about general principles for retaining and disposing of records. Along with organization-specific policies and procedures, these principles can help you avoid serious mistakes and comply with legal and company requirements.This course was developed with subject matter support provided by Simons Muirhead Burton LLP. Please note, however, that the course materials and content are for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice and may or may not reflect the most current legal developments. Nothing herein, or in the course materials, shall be construed as professional advice as to any particular situation or constitute a legal opinion with respect to compliance with legal statutes or statutory instruments. Simons Muirhead Burton LLP accepts no responsibility for the contents of this course. Any reliance on the contents of this course as legal advice is prohibited and at the user’s risk. Transmission of the information is not intended to create, and receipt does not constitute, a solicitor-client relationship. Readers should not act upon this information without seeking independent legal advice.


  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • recognize general principles for retaining records
  • Knowledge Check: Principles for Record Retention
  • recognize general principles for the proper disposal of records
  • Knowledge Check: Proper Disposal of Records


  • Global Record Retention
  • Principles for Record Retention
  • Knowledge Check: Principles for Record Retention
  • Proper Disposal of Records
  • Knowledge Check: Proper Disposal of Records