Flask-RESTful: Parsing & Validating Input Requests

Flask-RESTful 1.1.1    |    Intermediate
  • 9 videos | 1h 5m 13s
  • Includes Assessment
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A major benefit when building REST APIs in Flask-RESTful, is unlimited access to use the built-in request parser any time you want to parse and validate input arguments to your API server. Python developers will find the flexibility and extensibility of Flask-RESTful very useful. In this course, you'll learn to effectively use a request parser object to parse and extract input arguments from user requests. You'll validate input arguments using the right configuration before setting up custom help messages for the parser arguments. Next, you'll examine how your request parser can look beyond the request body - in the query string, cookies, and other locations, for input arguments. You'll explore how to inherit from an existing parser object and how to modify a parser to suit your needs. Finally, you'll investigate how to make errors returned by the parser more user-friendly by choosing to bundle them together to return as a group in a JSON response.


  • Discover the key concepts covered in this course
    Use a request parser to parse input arguments sent in a request body
    Configure required parameters using the flask-restful request parser
    Specify custom error messages for missing arguments using the flask-restful library
    Implement methods to respond to get, post, put, and delete http requests using the flask-restful library
  • Configure a flask-restful request parser to parse arguments from different locations
    Use the copy method to inherit from a predefined request parser via flask-restful
    Use the flask-restful library to bundle parsing errors
    Summarize the key concepts covered in this course


  • 2m 4s
    Discover how to intelligently work with Flask-RESTful to parse and validate API arguments to your server. RequestParser objects are used to parse and extract input arguments from user requests. Configure your parser to do more and work smarter for you. FREE ACCESS
  • 7m 18s
    Improve your ability to access and parse challenging form data. This video demonstrates the simple and unified method of parsing input arguments available to you when using Flask-RESTful request parser. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    3.  Validating Required Parameters Using Request Parsers
    6m 57s
    Start using Required parameters to validate POST requests and understand error messages returned from the request parser. This video teaches you how to easily change the default Required parameter and validate Required parameters using Flask-RESTful request parser. FREE ACCESS
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    4.  Implementing Custom Error Messages for Validation
    8m 9s
    Save time and effort by validating input arguments based on specified type and required parameter settings. This video demonstrates how to configure ParseReqeusts to control the type of POST data that will be returned as well as returning custom error messages based on your required parameters when using Flask-RESTful request parser. FREE ACCESS
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    5.  Specifying Lists in Input Arguments
    6m 41s
    Watch this video to learn how to use a specific list or lists inisde input arguments. Understanding what the list input pulls and how to use the list argument to respond to different requests is essential to using Flask-RESTful. FREE ACCESS
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    6.  Configuring Argument Locations in the Request Parser
    11m 3s
    Learn to parse arguments from different locations and how to configure the request parser to look within the request body to find values for arguments. If done correctly, you'll be rewarded by the parser finding the input argument values within the request body and reacting accordingly. FREE ACCESS
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    7.  Utilizing Parser Inheritance
    8m 45s
    Become skilled at configuring your own derived parser from a pre-defined request parser using the copy method to inherit from it. Understanding the utilization of parser inheritance lets you work more efficiently by creating different types of request parsers. FREE ACCESS
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    8.  Implementing Error Handling
    12m 17s
    Enhance your skills by learning how to configure the error handling mechanism of the request parser. Take back your work time by making returned response errors more useful and configuring your request parser look for multiple errors at a time using the input argument Bundle Errors. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    9.  Course Summary
    1m 59s
    Review the steps taken to work intelligently with Flask-RESTful to parse and validate API arguments to your server. This course demonstrated how to use RequestParser objects to parse and extract input arguments from user requests and how to configure your parser to do more - and work smarter - for you. FREE ACCESS


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Rating 5.0 of 1 users Rating 5.0 of 1 users (1)
Rating 5.0 of 1 users Rating 5.0 of 1 users (1)


Rating 4.6 of 10 users Rating 4.6 of 10 users (10)
Rating 4.6 of 47 users Rating 4.6 of 47 users (47)
Rating 4.6 of 135 users Rating 4.6 of 135 users (135)