Finding & organizing files in Google Drive 2023

Google Drive 2023    |    Beginner
  • 9 videos | 32m 28s
  • Includes Assessment
  • Earns a Badge
Rating 4.4 of 22 users Rating 4.4 of 22 users (22)
When you have a large volume of files in Google Drive, it can be hard to find what you are looking for. This course provides an overview of essential features and tools for finding and organizing files, so you can save time and increase productivity. The first part of the course focuses on tools for finding files. You will see how to change the way files and folders are displayed and sorted. You will learn all about using the search tool in Google Drive. See how to find the file you are looking for using keywords, filter chips, and advanced search options. In the second part of the course, you will discover a variety of ways to better organize your files. You will see how to create folders and move files inside. You will also learn how to make copies and shortcuts to access files and folders more easily, as well as how to organize files using workspaces.


  • Discover the key concepts covered in the finding & organizing files in google drive 2023 course
    Reorder and navigate files
    Search, filter results, and use search chips
    Apply search options
    Create, move, and customize folders
  • Copy files and create links to drive files
    Create and manage shortcuts
    Access priority view and create workspaces
    Manage, hide, and remove workspaces in priority view


  • 55s
    This video outlines the key content covered in the Finding & organizing files in Google Drive 2023 course, including using folders, searching for files, and viewing activity and file versions. FREE ACCESS
  • 4m 46s
    In Google Drive, you can find your files more easily by customizing the way they are displayed and sorted. In this tutorial, you will see how to change the sort order of items in My Drive. You will also learn how to quickly view suggested and recently edited files, as well as how to star files and folders for easy access. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    3.  Searching for files in Google Drive 2023
    4m 2s
    You can perform a search to quickly find the files you are looking for. In addition to searching by keyword, you can use search chips to find files based on type, associated people, and other criteria. See how to search for files and filter results in this tutorial. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    4.  Performing an advanced search in Google Drive 2023
    4m 44s
    In addition to filtering your search using search chips, you can apply search options to narrow your results based on file type, owner, and a host of other criteria. In this video, you will see how to use these different search options manually and using text-based search operators. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    5.  Using folders in Google Drive 2023
    3m 39s
    Folders are an essential tool for keeping your Drive organized. Once you have created a folder, you can easily move files and other folders inside. In this tutorial, you will see how to create and color-code folders, as well as how to move items manually, by dragging-and-dropping, and using keyboard shortcuts. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    6.  Copying files in Google Drive 2023
    In Google Drive, you can easily duplicate files, which can be useful for creating templates or multiple versions. In addition, you can create links to files and folders, and paste them in a document for easy access and sharing. See how to copy files and create links in this tutorial. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    7.  Using shortcuts in Google Drive 2023
    3m 59s
    A shortcut is a special link that you can use to access the same file from different locations without having to make a copy. Shortcuts can be used to easily access files saved in multiple layers of folders and subfolders, or to open a file or folder saved from your own Drive, even when you are not the owner. Learn all about creating and using shortcuts in this video. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    8.  Using Priority view in Google Drive 2023
    3m 17s
    Priority view is a page in Drive available to Google Workspace subscribers. In Priority view, you can create workspaces, which is a way of organizing files in a central location without having to move them between folders. In this video, you will see how to access Priority view, create workspaces, and make Priority your home page. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    9.  Managing workspaces in Google Drive 2023
    4m 7s
    Once you have created a workspace in Priority view, you can keep it organized by adding and removing files. You can also add order to Priority by removing or hiding unwanted workspaces. Learn all about managing workspaces in this tutorial. FREE ACCESS


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