Final Exam: The Snowflake Data Platform

Snowflake    |    Beginner
  • 1 video | 32s
  • Includes Assessment
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Rating 4.1 of 14 users Rating 4.1 of 14 users (14)
Final Exam: The Snowflake Data Platform will test your knowledge and application of the topics presented throughout the The Snowflake Data Platform track of the Skillsoft Aspire Data Infrastructure Journey.


  • Recognize the technology of the snowflake data platform
    outline snowflake's architecture
    recall the different features of snowflake editions
    identify how snowflake's pricing model works
    recall how virtual warehouses work
    use the snowsight ui
    differentiate permanent, temporary, and transient tables
    use transient tables
    use permanent and temporary tables
    restore dropped tables
    download and set up snowsql on mac
    download and set up snowsql on windows
    define and use variables in snowsql
    recognize internal and external stages in snowflake
    recall how user, named, and table stages work
    identify how user, named, and table stages work
    use named stages
    use table stages and validation mode
    recall how external stages work in snowflake
    recall how to integrate snowflake with google cloud platform (gcp)
    create a gcs bucket
    configure gcp permissions
    recall how to integrate snowflake with azure
    recognize how to unload data in snowflake
    unload data to google cloud storage buckets
    unload data to user stages
    unload data to azure blob storage containers
    load data into tables
    use retrieval optimization in snowflake
    explore how to disable caching
  • explore the concept of clustering in snowflake
    suspend clustering
    enable search optimization
    explore and enable search optimization
    create non-materialized views
    create and use materialized views
    use secure views
    recognize how the snowpipe service works in snowflake
    create a snowpipe and view its metadata
    create a snowflake storage integration to set up a simple storage service (s3) bucket as an external stage
    set up an amazon web services (aws) integration and access management (iam) role for the ingestion of data into snowflake
    link the azure and snowflake resources with a snowpipe for continuous data ingestion
    perform inner, left, and right joins
    execute full outer, natural, and cross joins
    recall how windowing functions work in snowflake
    describe how windowing functions work in snowflake
    use subqueries and set operators
    recall how structured and semi-structured data work
    load json data into an internal snowflake stage
    extract column values from json data and load them into a regular snowflake table
    query xml data and flatten out hierarchical data
    recall how to configure security in snowflake
    describe how to configure security in snowflake
    create and use resource monitors
    set up okta for sso for snowflake
    identify how secure data sharing works in snowflake
    set up a secure share of snowflake objects between two accounts
    download and use data from snowflake marketplace
    recall how to access shared provider data in a consumer account
    access shared provider data in a consumer account


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