Final Exam: Prompt Engineering Use Cases
- 1 video | 32s
- Includes Assessment
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Final Exam: Prompt Engineering Use Cases will test your knowledge and application of the topics presented throughout the Prompt Engineering Use Cases journey.
Use prompt engineering to learn machine learning and statisticsconfigure and explore generative ai chatbotsuse prompt engineering to learn statistics and machine learningcompute median and mean in python using prompt engineeringcompute mean and median in python using prompt engineeringdescribe the benefits of calculating range and inter-quartile rangecalculate range and inter-quartile rangecalculate variance and standard deviationinterpret skewness and kurtosis using ai chatbotsanalyze images with generative aiinterpret images with generative aiset up and explore generative ai chatbotsrecall how p-values workunderstand hypothesis testinganalyze p-values using alpha levelsintroduce t-testsidentify assumptions of t-testsuse prompt engineering help to test data for normality withperform the one-sample t-testuse the one-sample t-test end-to-endperform the one-sample t-test end-to-endtest data for normality with prompt engineering helpidentify the two-sided and one-sided t-testsexplore the two-sided and one-sided t-testsexplore assumptions of t-testsinterpret p-values using alpha levelsintroduce the paired-samples t-testuse the welch's t-testuse prompt engineering to interpret results of the two sample t-testrun the welch's t-test
identify the appropriate test to test data for equal variancesdescribe how to test data for normalitytest data for equal variancestest data for normalitydescribe the two-sample t-testsintroduce the two-sample t-testsrun the paired-samples t-testtest the assumptions of the paired samples t-testdescribe anovause anova and tukey hsd teststest assumptions of anovarun anova and tukey hsd testsintroduce anovatrain a clustering modelbalance imbalanced databalance out imbalanced datatrain a model on an imbalanced datasettrain a classification model on an imbalanced datasetsplit data and then train a classification modelsplit data and train a classification modelanalyze the performance of clusteringevaluate the performance of clusteringevaluate the performance of classification modelsreview data for classificationdescribe machine learning modelsunderstand regression modelsanalyze data for classificationanalyze relationships in datainterpret relationships in dataintroduce machine learning models
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