Final Exam: Programmer
| Intermediate
- 1 video | 32s
- Includes Assessment
- Earns a Badge
Final Exam: Programmer will test your knowledge and application of the topics presented throughout the Programmer track of the Skillsoft Aspire Programmer to API Developer Journey.
Differentiate between test-driven development and test-first developmentdescribe the need for refactoring code and some best practices for refactoringdescribe the benefits of refactoring codedescribe how to manage the api lifecycledescribe what creational design patterns are and their implementationsdescribe the best practices when using reusable code patternsdescribe issues and mistakes when developing and using apisdescribe common public apis and web services that can be consumeddescribe mock frameworks and mock objects and how to incorporate them into test-driven developmentdifferentiate between test-driven development and acceptance test-driven developmentdescribe methods for performing bulk operations using api servicesdescribe the best practices for using user storiesdescribe the solid design principles for software developmentdemonstrate creating the singleton design patterndescribe how to perform behavior driven development using cucumberdescribe methods for performing versioning for api servicesdescribe the difference between api documentation, specifications, and definitionsdescribe api development frameworks and when to use eachdescribe how to create reusable code using a multi-tier software architecture processdescribe api security best practices for rest and soap apisdescribe content negotiation and how it relates to api servicesdescribe methods for performing pagination with api servicesdescribe tools for performing software testing techniquesdescribe what structural design patterns are and their implementationscompare the security differences between rest and soap apisdescribe the purpose of user story mapping as it relates to agile developmentdescribe the behavior driven development processdifferentiate between test-driven development and test last developmentdemonstrate how to implement a soap-based web servicedescribe the process of using test-driven development for creating microservices
describe use cases and how they are used for modeling behaviordescribe the differences between stateless and stateful api servicesdescribe the test-first development processdemonstrate how to implement a multi-tier software web applicationdescribe the test-driven development cycledescribe test-driven development design patternsrecognize the process of using test-driven development for creating microservicesdescribe the best security practices for soap apisdemonstrate the web api frameworkdescribe the benefits of using the microservice architecturedescribe how to create reusable code using a component-based development processdescribe where technical code debt comes from and how to manage itdemonstrate how to create a use case diagramdescribe how refactoring relates to test-driven developmentdescribe agile user stories in agile software developmentdemonstrate the single responsibility principledescribe the importance of api in web development and moving to cloud-based web servicesdescribe what behavioral design patterns are and their implementationsdescribe the different types of reusable code patternsdescribe using mock frameworks and mock objects and why they are importantdescribe the best security practices for rest apisdescribe the importance of design patternsdescribe test-driven development best practicesdescribe when code refactoring makes sense and when it does notdescribe the code refactoring methods of simplifying boolean expressionsdemonstrate the open/closed principledescribe the benefits of behavior driven development for software developmentdescribe how to use test-driven development principles to develop apiscompare the differences between apis and microservicesdescribe how to use software refactoring techniques to solve architectural coding problems
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